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    well food for tht,why is it everything we take for sickness and all other medicall conditions is in ,MGS, hahahah,i took som of my tablets out my hi blood press pills for xample,300 mg,once a day,but i also took my vitamin c tabs 500mg,or even my smooth digest pills,releives gas and bloating pills, hahaha means farting , hahahahaha,pillls,450 mg ahhahaha must be the gas, hahha,think about it,if you by a little little bottle at the booose place t says the smallest is 50 mg,,if you go higher it goes in canada anyways to 750 mg, and so on to a magnum,which is i haven t got a clue, how many mg,does it ever make you wonder why they make the bottles so big,hope i havent lost no one, but think about why on over the counters meds they only giv you so much and you hopefully follow directions, but on AL.THERE ARE NO DIRECTIONS WHY DONT THEY JUST CHANGE THE SIZE OF THE BOTTLES, GYCO


    Good idea. The label could read: DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN 100ml IN 24 HOURS... it would also point out that alcohol is (self)medication for many people.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

