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Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

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    Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

    Hi All
    Could anyone answer my question. My wife drinks wine and will not touch other alcohol even if readily available, however she will lie about buying it, drink when there's no-one around and although she will admit she drinks too much she will not admit she has a problem. Can a person be alcohol dependant but only drink one type of alcohol.
    Thank you to anyone who can help me.

    Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

    No. Alcohol is alcohol. Most alcoholics have a preference. But if they (we) quit drinking our preferred type, we will certainly be quickly getting drunk on any other type.


      Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

      Yep, we always find a way. Like I've said, we alcoholics are not weak-willed people. Who else would go to the lengths that we do to make sure we get drunk? Most people would not worry about it at all - we'll race to the liquor store at 11:59 to get a bottle...
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

        I think alcoholics have no boundaries in the sense of what they drink. That being said though I was always limited because of money. I could not afford to be buying Whiskey every day so I drank the cheapest and strongest thing I could buy. Mainly strong ciders and largers that were on offer. It's a really thought provoking question though I admit! I wonder if I was rich whether I would of had an aversion to champagne say or 40 yr old malt whiskey!!

        I think though in principal it's not about the 'drink' it's about the 'buzz'. It's about obtaining that state of mind that makes us feel 'normal'; HOWEVER we obtain it!

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

          Hippie's back! Hi Hipps!


            Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

            Thank you all for those thought provoking comments.
            I have joined a few forums for different reasons but nothing that's causing us such distress.
            To have responses this quickly is very comforting.
            I think maybe the point is that should her prefered drink be unavailable then over time she may very well move on to other drinks as she realises it's not the need for wine but the need for alcohol.
            Thank you all very much


              Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

              Hello em--

              Great question I think. I was a beer drinker, would drink a mixed drink on occasion, but I drank too fast and hard alcohol nor wine weren't my drink of choice. Something I have noticed here is the vast amount of wine drinkers. I've often wondered if wine is more addicting for some reason....
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

                I was a beer drinker, with an occasional bloody mary, and when I quit I got rid of all the beer in the house, but there was a bottle of Kahlua in our cupboard and I never had any thought or desire of drinking it....even in the first few days of AF. I guess I must also be in the minority....



                  Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

                  Chief, Oney, I am the same way; I have a couple of bottles of wine and some kahlua in my cupboard, and have no desire to drink them; it would be more of a struggle if I kept whiskey in the house. But I think the point was more as to the physiological process of addiction; alcohol is alcohol. If I were in a mental place to relapse, and there were no whiskey left in the world, I would drink even kahlua (gag!). Lots of alkies try to cure themselves by switching from their drink of choice to something else, and it does no good whatsoever.....


                    Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

                    I believe you can be addicted to only one type of alcohol. I will only drink wine despite having a full liquor cabinet and beer in the house. When I don't have wine in the house I am never tempted, no matter how much I would like to drink. I don't know if it is the high sugar content of the wine or what that my body craves. I have been to beer tasting parties and drank water, but I could never do that at a wine party.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

                      I drink rum and coke mostly, but will do vodka, etc. I hate beer. Once I ran out of rum and was the only one home, and the liquor store was closed .... and I went to the old cases of beer bottles waiting to be taken to the recycling depot ... I took an empty glass .... and I emptied the little bits out of every bottle in an attempt to get a few sips. .... I didn't even think that it might have gone moldy. (Ew, I know.)

                      It was absolutely stupid, UNenjoyable, and I didn't even get a buzz .... but panic set in and it was all I could think of at the time. Ridiculous, I know ... but that's what happens sometimes.

                      Although some drinks absolutely gross me out and I don't know if I would be able to drink them if they were all that was left ... like gin .. it make me want to get sick .... but who knows when desperation sets in.
                      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                        Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

                        Hello Empleh,

                        Wine is my drink of choice (rose actually because it is sweet). I consider my self an alcoholic, yet I do not drink spirits etc...but that is maybe only because when I wanted to drink, wine was always available. The thought of drinking spirits actually makes me feel ill. I can remember going out to lunch some time ago with my partners family (all drinkers) and I was drinking wine. My partner's father ordered me a brandy I COULD NOT DRINK IT - YUK!
                        But I could've drunk another bottle of wine...........
                        Everyone is different. If your wife is drinking a lot and lying about it....she has a problem.
                        Why don't you show her the site. We are a friendly bunch here.....ask your wife to ask us some questions about her drinking. She may find it helpful to see there are a lot of other people in the world dealing with the same thing.
                        Hope you stick around.

                        Sober since 30/06/10


                          Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

                          Em, I drank wine or gin. Would leave the other stuff. Once I start drinking, I can't stop.

                          Key for me is don't start,

                          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                            Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

                            I am afraid I would drink whatever was available even wine and beer before it had fermented properly when I was brewing my own.
                            To me, alcohol is alcohol. Some tastes better than others but the effect I was seeking I could get from anything.
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Can an Alcoholic be Addicted to one Type of Alcohol

                              When I ran out of beer and vodka (my preferred AL), I'd start on hubby's whiskey (which I dislike). I do believe it is possible for an alcoholic to only drink one kind of drink though, hubby's mum drinks wine (lots of it) but wouldn't touch spirits I don't think even if she ran out. But then she's never run out, LOL! :H

                              Err... I even tried my own perfume once... that's really wrong, I know. :blush:
                              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

