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Army Thread 22nd November 2008

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    Army Thread 22nd November 2008

    Hello everyone,

    I am so glad its Saturday today, just want to chill....
    Last night was a first for me, I went out with an old drinking buddy who I havent seen since July when I gave up.
    I have been putting her off since as I didnt feel I was ready.
    Anyway last night I went and although I enjoyed it, I have realised that I need to socialise in a dfferent setting other than sitting in a pub.
    I am looking at it like it is just something new I have to learn. I enjoyed her company though, strangely she only had 2 drinks, very different from before. It must have been me who encouraged all the heavy drinking in the past!
    I think where I struggled is that I put pressure on myself to be animated, funny and lively. I am not like that really without a drink especially when I am tired. And thats OK, thats me and I will learn to accept myself the way I am. My attitude has to be that if others dont like it, well, too bad.
    She seemed OK though, just the same and seemed to enjoy herself.
    I just said I wasnt drinking cos I was on tablets and that was fine....
    Did I want to drink al? No, but on the way there I was mulling over what to drink and my immediate thought was "I'll have a scotch because its cold and I want something to warm me up" when I realised that was no longer an option I did feel a little disappointed. But that didnt last too long.
    So, I am not ready to "come clean" to others about my problem, but I have learnt that I would like to make some sober friends who know where I am coming from. So I still might have a look at AA in the new year and see what other folks do for entertainment on a cold winters evening :H

    Today, I am going to concentrate on housework and essays. Wish me luck!

    Have a lovely day all and see you later
    Love starts xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 22nd November 2008

    Morning Starts!

    Well done for going out and not drinking- if I had an AA around here, I would go- there is no harm in trying and a a little face to face back up in good in my opinion.

    I felt depressed and anxious again yesterday- one day I feel good, then the next like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders- I really think I should see someone about it- will try to get an appointment for Monday.

    Well hope everybody has a great day- I'm off to walk the dogs as it looks like it is about to pour here.


      Army Thread 22nd November 2008

      Morning Starts and Marbs

      Well done starts for not drinking.

      Marbs i often feel like that. Starting up my councelling again soon which i found always helped me in the past. Hope you have a good day and enjoy your walk.

      Right i'm going to have a moan .... Just been on the phone to my insurance people about my car and guess what, still no quote!!! ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! They have now told me that they can't requote until monday as the underwriters of the policy do not work on weekends. I've been trying to get a quote now for days! The problem i have is that my policy runs out tonight. They have said they can renew at my renewal premium but the is ?1400, told them not a chance and that i will go elsewhere. So now i have to find a new quote. Why do these companies make things so very difficult! All they had to do was put my 3 yrs no claims back on the policy and requote. So that's my day planned out for me, getting a new quote!

      Oh yes i nearly forgot i'm also going to find myself a job, or at least try. There is a new hotel opening just down the road from me so going to give them a call and see if they need a receptionist. Plus i'm going to search all the jobsites on the net and see what i can find. It's so difficult to get a job these days.

      Hope everyone has a super duper day!

      Wish x


        Army Thread 22nd November 2008

        Hiya Marby, was just wondering where you were!
        yes, I know all about the good day followed by a bad day. Its no fun at all that roller coaster.
        Good for you seeing someone. Will it be the doc? Depression might be worth looking at you know?

        Anyway, hope you dont get drowned walking the dogs - its beautiful sunshine here for a change!
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Army Thread 22nd November 2008

          Oh wish, what a pain in the arse!
          When I do a renewal I call all the freephone numbers in yellow pages and make them call me back if necessary They generally do if they want my business, if not I go elswhere.
          Good luck with that hun.

          Have you tried jobserve? and monster?
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread 22nd November 2008

            Hi Gia,

            Yep, I too like watching bad weather tucked up inside. But then I get to thinking of all the animals and people who have no shelter....sigh.
            Anyway, hope you have fun at the wedding, and give a hug to little angelface for me.
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Army Thread 22nd November 2008

              Morning all. have just woken up from the best sleep ive ever had. Went to bed about 9, after sleeping all day, and woke up 30 mins ago. Feel so much better. And still no pain. YAY!!!
              Hope everyone has a good day. Going to catch up on yesterday!
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                Army Thread 22nd November 2008

                Sleep is the best KP,
                So pleased you are feeling better
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army Thread 22nd November 2008

                  I just got a online quote which was much cheaper than my renewal quote, by ?1080! Yay! Needless to say i confirmed it and now have insurance for another year. Yippee! Things get done so much quicker when you do them yourself instead of relying on callcentre staff. All i need now is for them to send out my No Claims Bonus, that should be fun!


                    Army Thread 22nd November 2008

                    Morning Gia

                    Is that the wedding you were talking about last night?

                    Oh and can you send some snow my way!


                      Army Thread 22nd November 2008

                      Morning all.
                      Glad you got some kip Cy. It's murder not sleeping.
                      I finally got some cash in from the social. Enough to pay what I owe and a little extra for some nice steak and a lottery ticket (God loves a tryer)
                      We had a smidgeon of snow here in Central Scotland too Gia. It's brass monkeys out. I'm staying in and watching some movies.
                      Have a great day everyone.


                        Army Thread 22nd November 2008

                        Oh you'll have to let us know what happens with the kissing thing. Still find that very strange. I know what you mean about relying on other people for lifts, i don't like that either. I would be lost without my car.


                          Army Thread 22nd November 2008

                          Morning Oney, Hows you today? (apart from sleepy) I've just had two coffees so i'm wide awake now.


                            Army Thread 22nd November 2008

                            Starting, I am so glad to hear that things went well for you. Often times we have these preconceived notions of how things are going to be - but those notions are tinted because of alcohol. The fact that you realized you don't need to go to the pub and drink to have a good time is wonderful!

                            Morning to everyone. Nothing big planned today - just a nice relaxing weekend. Hope everyone has the same.
                            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                              Army Thread 22nd November 2008

                              Thanks o2m, but the question would be 'a hunk of what?'

                              My son did something that floored me yesterday - well actually two things. First, yesterday was report card day and he come home with all A's and one B (in math). As many of you know he was struggling in Math but has worked hard and really made improvements.

                              Second, he has a birthday party for one of his two best friends today so he and my wife went to the store last night to buy him a present. My son went to his allowance jar and grabbed his last $10, and my assumption was that he was going to buy something for himself, too. Nope, he wanted to add it to the money we said that we would spend so that he could buy him a little nicer gift....

                              Little bugger makes me proud to be his Dad....
                              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

