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Life Is Beautiful!

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    Life Is Beautiful!

    In chat last night we were talking about the things in life that we were grateful for now that we were not drinking (or were doing better). Not the big things such as getting my family back, but the little things that everyone else takes for granted. So, I thought I would start a thread as I had a little one of those this morning!

    I am grateful because I found a fresh bag of blueberries in the fridge this morning, meaning I could have fruit on my cereal.

    Used to be Saturday mornings meant either taking the edge off by taking a drink for last night's bottle, or waiting very impatiently for the liquor store to open at 11am so I could start drinking again. Now I am focused on my breakfast - what a change!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    Life Is Beautiful!

    i am grateful for everything and anything that life bring with my way ..yes even the up's and down's .. just makes me stronger you all
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Life Is Beautiful!

      On track with you, AA, I am grateful for looking forward to a saturday morning cappuccino at the cafe, waiting for my daughter to finish her morning art class... instead of staying in bed as long as I can to put off taking the first drink of the day. And did I ever enjoy it (the capuccino), too!
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Life Is Beautiful!

        My kids all love me, and I can make my grandchildren ROFL, with just with a silly mad grin.
        I have a chance to be as happy as they are.
        Life is beautiful!


          Life Is Beautiful!

          I'm grateful for being able to enjoy this beautiful Virginia morning through eyes that aren't blurred and with a head that's normal -- not pounding. Also grateful for being able to head out this morning for Thanksgiving at the beach with wife, children and grandchildren. Thanks for the thread AA and Happy Thanksgiving to all.


            Life Is Beautiful!

            I am grateful that when I went to warm up my truck this am there was no ice to scrape.

            * * I love Determinator * *


              Life Is Beautiful!

              Thanks for the thread AA. It is especially nice given that we are almost upon Thanksgiving, a time of thanks.

              I am grateful for being able to get up early this morning and get a four mile run in by 9:00 am. In my alcohol days (or should I say daze), I would have been on my first cup of coffee, wandering around the house feeling like shit.

              I am grateful that I finally feel like I am leading an honorable life for myself and for my children.

              Finally, I'm grateful for people like yourself who are so committed to being AF and to be happy doing it.

              Be well,
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                Life Is Beautiful!

                I'm grateful for biscuits and gravy with my sweet daughter-in-love!:h
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Life Is Beautiful!

                  I am grateful that I saw our high school musical last night. I had pretty much stopped going out on Friday nights, just stayed home to drink. No more!
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    Life Is Beautiful!

                    I am grateful for my sobriety! Happy and content to go work a couple of hours, even though it is saturday, come home and fill the bird feeders, put out suet, play outside with my golden, in the snow. The bottoms of my pants are wet, my feet are cold, but I am happy. Thanks AA, good topic!
                    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                      Life Is Beautiful!

                      I am happy Today about myself , for Today i did not have to feel bad about last night and therefore have one less reason to drink tonight


                        Life Is Beautiful!

                        I am thankful for each and every day that I wake up feeling alive, ready to jump out of bed and see how much I can accomplish instead of "how will I get through the next 10 hours".

                        I am thankful that I have had, and am still having a wonderful Saturday.

                        I am thankful for the new containers of flowers that I planted this morning, that I have finished painting a room today and still have lots of energy left for a late afternoon jog!
                        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                          Life Is Beautiful!

                          I am thankful for the gift of music. And that i am now sharing that gift sober. I am also thankful for this site, and the special friend(s) i've made here.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Life Is Beautiful!

                            I'm going to spoil it all by a D&M (for me at least) .... and that is... being true to myself.
                            Oh, and wathching the sunrise this morning.


                              Life Is Beautiful!

                              I am grateful that when I went to the restroom this morning it was to tinkle not puke my guts outs...and that when I woke...I was ready to go at 5 am...not dying at 8....cause I overslept. By 9 am I had already done more for others than I had in 6 drunken months!!!!!
                              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

