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Army thread 24th November 2008

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    Army thread 24th November 2008

    Good morning peeps,

    And a cold dark and wet morning it is here.
    But I am feeling pretty damn positve today. I dont have to go to work but I still got up early and took the dogs out.

    Have already had a go at some idiot who let their dog run out of their drive and have a bark at Fudge. What a numbskull, he got his dog back and then smacked it! It was his effing fault for letting the dog off the lead in the first place if he cant control it. Plus if he smacks the dog when it returns, how often is it gonna return in the future. PLUS I think it is VERY wrong to smack dogs!!
    No he now knows what a dickhead he is too!! So thats my good deed for the day :H
    End of rant....

    So, I dont have to go to work as I am winding down but what I do have to do is make sure I stick to a good routine. I cannot allow too much unproductive time to creep in otherwise I know I will get depressed. That is going to be difficult. It will be very easy for me to spend hours and hours here but I am going to try not to. Thats going to be hard because being here relaxes my mind plus I find it inspirational. Just gotta be aware of my feelings and not let anything get too overwhelming I guess.

    So, lets see how I get on today. Probably not too well I would guess cos I feel like a kid bunking off school today

    Have a fabby one all!

    Love starts
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army thread 24th November 2008

    Morning Starty, and All to come..
    Freezing here and my kitchen radiator is on the blink.. hurrah for the Flufters who are currently sitting on my feet keeping me toasty warm

    I popped to B&Q yesterday to get one of those fibre optic trees for my son's room and spent ages looking at all the Christmassy stuff.. SO much BLACK this year! Whats going on, lol! Found a lovely black rose wreath and garland and a singing polar bear family that lights up!
    Oh, and if anyone ese has been to B&Q recently, what's with the "upside down" Christmas tree?! What's that all about.. the "Anti-Christmas"? Wouldnt know whether to stick an angel or a demon on the top.
    Hope evryone has a great day


    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


      Army thread 24th November 2008

      I am a little bit worried that the "run" word was not mentioned anywhere in your post? What has happened to the training? I am taking it to the next level - stepping up to the mark etc! God I hate that expression. I bought two sports bras a pair of running shorts and two pairs of running socks (yes oney the ones with the go faster stripe!) so I have made a big investment in my running career! Now that you have the time you can get out there and do some training so we can give Marby a run for her money!


        Army thread 24th November 2008

        Hello there everyone - well it is nearly the end of Monday down here in New Zealand - I hve been to an AA meeting tonight, so that is another day sober, so another day won. We have floods here at the moment and our emergency services are pressed. I am loving this site, only joined recently and enjoying reading the posts. Sounds like fitness is the watchword of the day...I downloaded some ultra-funky music this afternoon, and am getting back into my step-aerobics, tis a high that runs rings around being wasted. Big encouragement to all out there struggling. Just lovin life sober (AGAIN!!!)
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Army thread 24th November 2008

          Hello Kapo
          I am in Auckland and its windy and rainy here too today. Good to hear you are enjoying success with your drinking problems. This site is really great and it has helped me a lot. I used to do step aerobics years ago but I think I would die if I did a class now. I am just building up slowly (very slowly) to a mini marathon in Dublin in June next year.


            Army thread 24th November 2008

            Hey Chelle, Boozy and Kaponium! Good morn to all of you!

            Boozy, my run is going to happen later today (naturally) I ran on Saturday for 8 whole mins !!! I need to be really careful cos last time I ran alot I knackered my knees. I know they are a bit dodgy so I am taking it slow. I walk for about 2 hours every single day though. And I have bought new running shoes. No way can I wear shorts though as it is freezing here and sadly I have no need for a sports bra ))) So never fear, Marby is gonna struggle with us on her back!

            Kaponium, its lovely to see you here! Good going on aa, I am thinking of trying that myself. Sober is good isnt it? Some of us are doing a mini marathon in June in Dublin so we are training for that. Can you imagine a bunch of alkies getting together and running / walking 10k? It will be a great laugh and we hope to raise lots of money for a childrens charity. Join us? Good for you on the aerobics.

            Chellbers my dogs are keeping my feet warm too ) I am refusing to think about christmas just yet. Its not exactly my fav time of year although many here are trying to change my view!
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Army thread 24th November 2008

              Hi Kapo,
              Monday nearly over for you? I will never get used to all this time difference! 8.30 in the am over here in freezing UK.
              Great to hear you doing well with th AA meetings and I love that phrase "another day sober, so another day won"... nice one!
              ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                Army thread 24th November 2008

                8 mins thats not too bad. That was about all I was doing to start (pardon the pun) with. Sadly since I stopped smoking and drinking (mostly) I seem to have grown an extra two pairs of boobs - one under the original boobs and another pair over the original boobs - hence the two sports bras! My boobs used to be fried eggs now they are more like sausages or a bunch of bananas. I hate them its definitely middle aged spread. But by god they are going I tell ya.
                Hey Chelle - how are you going? Can we convince you to join us on a little run?


                  Army thread 24th November 2008

                  LMAO Boozy!!!!
                  Boozy's Boobs Be gone!!!!
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Army thread 24th November 2008

                    Gotta hit the sack now team hope you all have a good day. I hope I dont dream about being chased by a bunch of boobs!


                      Army thread 24th November 2008

                      Nighty night boozy, sweet dreams...whatever they may be :-)
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Army thread 24th November 2008

                        Morning Army - 'moderation' Vlad checking in.
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          Army thread 24th November 2008

                          Hey all - yeah the time difference pretty crazy thing I DO know, is that I had many "pass-out-come-to" moments when I wasn't quite sure if the sun was coming up or going down, just tooooo dam addled with the piss. Yeah, 2008 has been a slip-slidy year for me, I got 7 months Abstinent last year, then complacency set in and....oh well, Have had a month here and a month there this year, but am 8 days sober today. AA teaches me that it is only about A Day At A Time, and that is pretty handle-able. Ahoy there my friend boozehag in Auckland, nice to know someone else here in Godzone (LOL)...I start Naltrexone this Friday, have passed first drug-free urine test, (God, I am 40 years old and STILL get a kick out of typing " ?RINE" !!! - am looking forward to that! Blessings, love and light to all...And I like TOTALLY recommend AA, it is worth a look! ****Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*****
                          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                            Army thread 24th November 2008

                            By the way, One2many, NY ay - wow!! That place is my sobriety dream destination! All best with that - please keep me posted, dead keen to hear!
                            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                              Army thread 24th November 2008

                              Hi Kapo, don't think we've met!
                              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

