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Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

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    Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

    Ok - have made it to 60+ hours - into day three but yesterday was good up until late afternoon. The panic set in and I had not taken the calms forte. Blood Pressure went up slightly but the thoughts - uck. I have ativan (like xanax) from a doc so took that and things settled after about 1 hour. Couldn't decide if I needed to get a bottle or go to hospital before I took it. But will go to hospital before I put another drop of Al in my body.

    Panic is very scary. Laid in bed and rode it out. I figured unless I was hallucinating or B/P off charts it was in my head.

    Bedtime - so tired from no sleep 2 nights - small panic started - scared I would start seeing things - see my history of paranoia/panic - took another 1/2 dose of ativan (I'm given the smallest dose available) and slept through the night after I allowed my brain to settle. Better than expected.

    So - feeling good this morning. Hopeful that the worst is over but fearing this may go on a few more days. I have not missed any supplements.

    I am now more determined than ever to get rid of this ridiculous situation I have allowed to take over my life. I never want to be in fear like this again of what my body may do because I am not putting Al in it. CRAZY.

    All I can do is follow program and if it gets unbearable I will seek medical help - will try to stay on top of anxiety today and not wait until panic sets in.

    Anyone with similar reactions early in? Feel hopeful that I may be 1/2 way there and scared what the last 1/2 may bring.....bye bye beastie.
    "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler

    Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

    CCM, you handled that WONDERFULLY!!! You have it exactly right, follow the program, use the Ativan if necessary, and if things get really bad (as you say, very elevated BP or hallucinations), go to the ER. Since you are feeling good this morning, I'm betting that you are through the worst of it! The anxiety will keep nibbling at you, trying to get you to spiral out of control... step back from it, take a couple of good deep breaths... and do something that will distract you from whatever thoughts and physical sensations are bothering you. Do you have some really soothing music you can listen to? Just for 5-minute increments, if that's all you can manage? Walks are good, too, even if only for 5-10 minutes.

    Keep posting, let us know how today is going, OK?



      Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

      Thanks WIP!!! I will keep you updated....this is a scary but very exciting thing!!! The difference this time is I've decided alcohol is not an option - I'll take a ride in the paramedic truck before a ride to the liqour store. Have a great day.....
      "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


        Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

        CC, well done! Keep up the great attitude, it will take you far!
        You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


          Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

          CC, I too suffer from Anxiety. It's not fun. I do think in the early days it's pretty rough, but trust me, it does calm down. I have been AF for over 40 days. Last night had my first really bad anxiety attack. Every time I get a cold it goes straight to my lungs, so of course I woke up in the middle of the night convinced I had some dreadful lung disease. I nearly made mylsef physically sick with worry. But, got over it without a Xanix.

          Good to keep up your positive attitude. It will get better, just hang in there.

          :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
          AF since 10/11/2008


            Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

            You did very well, in the early days of deciding to stop drinking.. the days when I kidded myself I was moderating ... I was very anxious, and it wasn't just about not having a drink it was also thoughts about how would I ever have a happy life if I wasn't drinking (here the selfishness comes in again), where would be MY pleasure if I was facing ALL those problems wthout a drink..... well done to you.
            Don't give in.
            ?We are one another's angels?
            Sober since 29/04/2007


              Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

              You are on your way! Everyday gets easier and easier!
              "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

                CC, great job on pushing through! Every bit of effort to live as a non-drinker is worth it! Remember, the idea that AL gives us a happy life is a lie and an illusion. If indeed, AL offered us anything positive, we would not be here! Sleeping and waking well rested will come in short order, the anxiety does fade greatly in short order.

                Best wishes to your success!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

                  Good going. You are doing exactly the right thing. If you don't have to work or otherwise be very alert, don't worry about taking the ativan-- it serves several purposes: it calms you down, it decreases anxiety, it makes the withdrawal smoother, and it is an anti-convulsant, which could be important if you were a heavy drinker, because seizures can happen in withdrawal if you were. Usually things really start to improve from the 3rd day, and may seem even normal by the 5th day (but don't let that fool you, because you will still have to deal with a lot in the coming weeks, just not so much physical stuff).

                  For a first-timer (which I assume you are), you are right on track. Try to remember this experience, ingrain it in your brain, so you will do anything to never have to go through it again.

                  Someone on here once said: "It's easier to stay out than to get out".
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Calling the experts - day 2 was rocky

                    Great job, CC!.....just keep at it. Refuse to take a are in charge.

                    Things will get better quickly. Keep reading and posting....


