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    Hi all

    On day 2 AF - did have my usual 5 pm craving but managed to distract myself.

    Last night I had trouble sleeping. Once I had fallen asleep I slept right through, but it was actually getting to sleep.

    I kept feeling as if something was missing. I panicked at one point as I thought I was not alone and was hearing things. I went downstairs to reassure myself then when I got back to bed I was thinking whether their was some supernatural force present.

    Am I going crazy?


    I have done years of "alcohol sleeping" so now that I'm AF I hear a lot more at night than ever before.

    I hear creaks and groans in the house. I hear the cat snore and the dogs downstairs do their dream whimpers.

    It's not just sounds. I get annoyed by the neighbor's porch light turning on late at night. And at the wind whistling in the eaves.

    I think it's just part of the process and as we did as children we'll just learn to block it all out.



      Lotus you are not going crazy, you are going 'healthy'. It's the sensation of this toxin departing your being.

      I've found that to assist my anxiety (something I've suffered with for years) that a 1/4 to a full teaspoon (different for different folks) of inositol powder in some fruit juice works very well. clinical studies have shown it to be as successful as prescription meds for combating anxiety and panic disorder. Bigger health shops will have it although it's a tad expensive.

      at this stage of the game you will get the best and most cost effective relief from some simple over the counter things:

      in addition to a good multi I'd suggest:

      magnesium 350mg per day
      C 1000 mg per day (work up to 2000mg over a couple weeks)
      B1 (thiamine) 200mg twice per day
      calcium 1300mg before bed

      try to avoid sugar and caffeine. lots of water!

      hope you feel better soon Lotus.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)



        If you slept right through after falling asleep, you are doing really well. There are many natural ways to help you sleep, so don't hesitate to load your toolbox up before you go to sleep. Soon, you will be feeling so much better from getting REAL sleep, restful sleep. This is one of those wonderful benefits of being AF.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

