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Holiday Traditions ????

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    Holiday Traditions ????

    The one tradition that I have is that my children and I decorate the tree together and make it a ritual.


      Holiday Traditions ????

      I don't have one. I never had one. And there are no kids. Sometimes we were out of town, sometimes home fully decorated, sometimes not. Estranged one was never was big on anything and simply wanted to sleep in all morning. So I'd have the Christmas breakfast by myself and putter around waiting for him to get out of bed.

      NOW!!!! This is my first Christmas to start my own tradition! Any ideas?
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Holiday Traditions ????

        YES I do! I would be helping those in need. You don't have to do it early or all can do it for 1-2 hours if you like, but it would be so rewarding for you. Also, set yourself up a small tree.....drinking some hot chocolate by a tree and reading is very nice. If you get an atrificial one get a christmas scented candle to burn. DO this every year. Christmas can be about YOU too, not just children or hubby. Hell, sounds like he ruined it anyway! THEN, I know you have family...go to dinner...
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          Holiday Traditions ????

          OH just had another idea....since this is first year a special ornament for your one will know but you what it is for and buy one ever year...shot I am gonna do that too...mine is gonna be an angel! My own little sober angle...
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            Holiday Traditions ????

            When I was little we were not aloud to come downstairs Christmas morning until we heard Christmas music. I kept the same tradition for my children and now they are doing it for there children.

            We now sit around and laugh about the anticipation we felt just sitting and waiting. Torture then but funny now. Kept us from nosing around the presents until mom and dad got up.
            AF Since December 2006


              Holiday Traditions ????

              Oh, Greenie, come to our house for Christmas!! I like Brit's ideas. We live in a small town, so there is no "soup kitchen" but I always thought it would be cool to help the homeless on Christmas! Maybe you could do something with friends? I don't think anyone should be alone!
              I'm a big sucker for tradition, but sadly most of mine kinda died with my parents. My husband's family aren't really into tradition like me. But we're making up a mix of traditions as we go.
              I love to go to Church on Christmas eve. This seems to be more important to me every year, and especially now as I'm growing closer to my church family.
              Mom always had chili and oyster soup for supper. When I was a kid, the adults would linger over their coffee and take hours doing dishes while I impatiently waited for santa! Lo and behold somehow he would slip in and leave packages on our step!!! How he did that without me seeing remained a mystery to me until my adult years! We always opened presents on Christmas eve, and then went to my grandparents for a big dinner (Including my grandma's home made noodles) with my cousins. They had an aluminum Christmas tree, and I finally found one for myself in an antique store this year.
              After my grandparents were gone, mom took over the Christmas dinner, and we would have "Lutefisk" and Ostkaka and potato bologna according to Swedish tradition.

              My husband's family always opened their gifts early Christmas morning. So we had to compromise when we had kids. They get to open one gift on Christmas eve and Santa leaves their gift under the tree while they're sleeping. And filled their stockings (which I never had growing up). We used to invite MIL for Christmas eve (chili and oyster soup) and then go to church together, then we all would go to her house (FIL passed 4 years ago) for gifts, drinks, food and movies. This year SIL wants everyone at HER house. Hence--there goes the tradition.

              Sorry this is so long. I love tradition and hearing about others'.
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

