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Army Thread 27th November 2008

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    Army Thread 27th November 2008

    LOL! God, I can just imagine it at play centre introducing you as my F-ing C! LOL... Yeah far too young to be called granny. I reckon we recovering alk chicks are awesome women - one thing I hope I never want to curb is my filthy tongue....Just love swearing (appropriately!)
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      Army Thread 27th November 2008

      Oh they all know in the daycare! There was another mum there once who I didnt know and she said oh here is you nana lianne. Well you could have heard a pin drop you should have seen the teacher's faces - they were like oh god she used the N word! I pretended I didnt hear her. The woman was about 8 months pregnant and I said to one of the teachers on the quiet if that woman want to live to give birth to that child you better warn her not to call me Nana! I was just kidding of course but the next day the woman apologised to me!


        Army Thread 27th November 2008

        :goodjob::goodjob:You little beauty! We're a brazen lot!
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Army Thread 27th November 2008

          Yes I have a neck like a jokey's bollox!


            Army Thread 27th November 2008

            See ya, BH - am off to AA now - hope you have a GROOOOOOOOVY weekend.
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

