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Blind leading the Blind ???

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    Blind leading the Blind ???

    This seems to be my theme sound so I will sing it once again.
    I only get upset when I see MWO people separating themselves. I understand that there is a need to have didn't places to for people to gather into groups with common goals.AF, MOD or in a full blown binge...I GET IT.
    Where I get upset is that anyone (especially ME) acts like they have figured it out.
    My motto has always been" Spend time with those who Seek to understand and RUN from those who think that they already do".
    We are all CHILDREN !!!!
    As children we are bound to spill our milk. How you we be angry about that??? It is just a part of growing up.
    In most cases it is very much like the blind leading the blind.
    Sermon OVER
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    Blind leading the Blind ???

    I agree with your sentiments, Evielou, but what are you referring to? Did something happen?
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Blind leading the Blind ???

      I think thats very nicely put evie....
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Blind leading the Blind ???

        So.... what or who are you talking about? If it's a "who," how about a PM to that person or persons? If it's a "what," could you be a bit clearer about what you are upset about?



          Blind leading the Blind ???

          Evielou, Thanks for the hand :lilangel:
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Blind leading the Blind ???

            So, far, I guess Starting and LTG understand... but Beatle and I do not... oh well.


              Blind leading the Blind ???

              I just thought it was a nice sentiment....thats all....
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Blind leading the Blind ???

                Well, I certainly agree with that. It's a nice sentiment. But she said she was really upset about something. So I was asking what it might be about... If she doesn't want to say, that's OK....


                  Blind leading the Blind ???

                  I promise that their is no Hidden meaning in my post.if i have a bone to pick with someone, I us a PM. With me, What you see is what you GET.
                  This is just a general observation that i have seen time and time again, over the almost 1 year that i have been here.
                  I am upset, in general ...
                  Have to give a eulogy tomorrow for a 12 year old kid and my brother is in real trouble again
                  I hope that doesn't take away what I was trying to say to everyone.
                  We are frail humans and this time of year is especially hard.I LOVE THIS FAMILY !!!
                  Let's hold hands and walk thru though times together.
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Blind leading the Blind ???

                    One more thing that i forgot to say that i am upset about....Those credit card thief's are still on our card.
                    None of that has anything to do with all of you...
                    Love Ya ALL....Honest
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Blind leading the Blind ???

                      EvieLou, you are going through some incredibly wrenching stuff, AND it can get very stressful, even quite painful, around here sometimes. I think that mostly we are doing our best... and, even so, we hurt each other, sometimes. Let me know if I can ever help.


                        Blind leading the Blind ???

                        You know Evie, at any given time, many of us here are dealing with very serious crisis in our live. In the past 2 weeks, my family has had to bury a still born baby and my father. At present, I am dealing with my sisters dishonesty in the handling of my fathers affairs....etc. etc. etc.

                        I understand stress, most of us do. I am sorry for what you are dealing with and hope that things can get resolved, and most of all, that you can find some comfort.

                        However, as for this site being "The Blind Leading the Blind", I disagree. I do agree that we all continue learning during our entire lifetime, but do this learning from others. Others who have learned things before us along the way. I have learned from many here, starting with RJ and her book. I appreciate those that share their wisdom and their successes. This has been invaluable to me during the past year for me. It is what has helped me to get sober and stay sober.

                        You are right in that we are all here for different things.....some want to share their troubles, some want to talk about their drinking and continuing to drink. Some want to mod and some want to seriously become non-drinkers. One can find pretty much whatever they are seeking.

                        I do not feel that those who share what works for them, what information they find valuable or their time sober is in any way acting like "know it alls". In fact, I cannot think of anyone here that thinks of themselves as "knowing it all". I appreciate any and all information on how to over come this horrible addiction called Alcohol.
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          Blind leading the Blind ???

                          I see your point Kate. I still have a vision of a house filled with blind children, in a burning house and they hold hands and slowly step to safety.
                          That is how I see myself
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            Blind leading the Blind ???

                            Maybe there are a lot of doors in that burning house. We may find our way out, but the next person needs to use a different door. Sometimes this is frustrating, because we only know how to use our own door.
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                              Blind leading the Blind ???

                              Some folks see the door and squeeze their eyes totally shut because they are afraid to go through the door. Some would rather burn alive than walk out into freedom.

