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    DO IT


    I wear black. Black shoes and black pants or skirts.

    I wear very colorful shirts, though.

    I do not think I am a dominatrix type at all. :H

    I am just lazy in the dressing department. Navy comes in too many shades, black matches black even if the shades are off. (Or I tell myself that, it could be I am a walking advert for what not to wear..)

    I love boots but never wear them.

    I did buy some silly leopard skinned (plastic, not real leopard) golashes. But those are only for at home when I am walking dog out to his "poop" area in rain or snow.

    The rest of the time I am a "black" girl. I am very meek and submissive though. :H

    I have no idea why I am responding to this other than your post struck me funny considering my choice in my "basic" color.

    Daughter said she and I run around looking like witches.

    AF April 9, 2016


      DO IT

      P.S, madders, "Hob-nail" - how delightfully quaint....down here we call them "shit kickers' or steel caps at the very least.. Once I was asked if I was wearing my "F*#k Me" boots, to wich I slurringly replied, "no they are my DON'T F**K WITH ME BOOTS"....Sigh, those were NOT the days! Right GOTTA DASH!
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        DO IT

        hi Cindi
        But aren't black BOOTS kind of, you know...? I like black for lots of things, it is 'basic!'


          DO IT

          Not sure about the black boots issue but here is a picture of my leopard ones...

          I bought them because I thought they were such a hoot. So did hubby.

          They are plastic, everyone, no animal was endangered in the making of this post!!!

          Cindi Attached files [img]/converted_files/718459=4368-attachment.jpg[/img]
          AF April 9, 2016


            DO IT

            LMAO Oney.

            A few years ago me and BF were driving round a seedy area of barcelona, and he gave a low wolf whistle as he spotted a mini-skirted thigh lengthed booted person.

            I took great pleasure in telling him 'she' was a tranny

            (It was- you could spot the Adams apple a mile off)


              DO IT

              I want Nancy Sinatra go-go boots, in white patent leather.


                DO IT


                Sigh. Back in the 60s, that was the 1960s, I wore black vinyl boots up to midway on my thighs. That was a cool thing back then because our skirts barely brushed the top of the boots.

                My mom hated that stuff. When I went out the door, my skirts were down to my knees and the tops of my boots were hidden. Little did she know that by the time I got to school, the tops of those boots were showing.

                I was a little hussy back in the 60s.

                Then I moved to the deep south of the USA. Never again to show a bit of thigh until I moved to Florida when my daddy retired. After that, all bets were off.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  DO IT

                  Oh, and you simply do not wear boots in Florida except the 6 days it reaches the 40s there. Then it is cool.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    DO IT

                    that is great Cindi and Oney! Any more Boot Stories, anyone??


                      DO IT

                      I am way up North and freezing. I HATE winter!


                        DO IT

                        That's okay, Lila. I will be there this week. Or, at least I think I will.

                        I "get" to go to Omaha this week. Woo Whoooo!! Trying to be "upbeat" about it. NOT.

                        I have no boots for this go 'round.

                        I do have black shoes, black pants, black pantyhose, and COLORFUL shirts to accent it all.

                        Oh, and a downfilled full length coat with a hood. This coat saves my butt on the northern excursions... and the Tractor Supply gloves that keeps my hands from falling off...

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          DO IT

                          To be honest, I need some new boots -- the sole has come away from the leather part and my poor tootsies get wet and cold. I just wear the ankle kind with jeans or pants, though. No mini skirts or thigh-highs for me -- too cold and I'm too old! (LOL -- but not with a 2 year old! Poet and I don't know it!)


                            DO IT

                            Definately bring the down coat, Cindi! I need to be positive too. After all I live here. I wouldn't have figured you to be the thigh high boots type! I have never worn anything remotely like that.


                              DO IT

                              CS - what about just below the knee? That is what I am thinking...


                                DO IT

                                Lila, I like these because they have almost no heel.

                                Attached files [img]/converted_files/718472=4369-attachment.jpg[/img]
                                LTG AF January 13, 2011

