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    DO IT

    I hope you are okay.
    I know what it feels like to feel angry, hurt, scared, unsure, afraid...and lash out in anger, using hurtful words and actions like they are a protective cloak. It only serves to further isolate one from people who may care, and help.

    Take good care of yourself.
    Never give up hope.
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      DO IT

      Oh keeta and the one before her or him, never quite sure. Thank you. Twas a bad day that is all. Thanks for thatxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:h


        DO IT

        We all get bad days, this is a really hard journey (185 AF days for me!!!) I have had the hardest 7 months of my life, my husband of 7 yrs has left me...blaming booze!!!! for f#@k sake I am sober now. he feels threatened by my sobriety, I was an agressive drunk, now I am calm and relaxed.
        I am a huge fan of boots and shoes, black,brown,red white and all shades in between, high, low anything,.. my favourite, high, purple suede ass kicking boots!!! gets pretty cold in Johannesburg in winter, today was 29 deg C, so damn hot, thank god for my pool....
        Just for today, I will not drink
        LOL xoxox

        Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

        Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!


          DO IT


          I am sorry you are having a hard time right now. This addiction, and what it can do to us, is tragic.
          It keeps us from growing, it keeps us from healing, it allows us to bury ourselves, and become empty shells of what we COULD be without it.
          I hope you are feeling a little better today.
          Can you remain AF today.
          You haven't touched on your drinking, like how much, when you drink, etc?..that might determine how you begin to step away from the control of alcohol.
          How can we help you take a step forward towards healing?
          How can we help you make a solid plan to getting healthy, and AF?
          I know sharing is scary..but we care...and there are a lot of people here that could help you maddiva.
          You need to take the first step....well coming here I suppose you have. I feel you reaching out for help.
          I feel your pain. I feel your self loathing.
          Please let us help you help your self!

          Take good care of you, maddiva.

          YOU MATTER.

          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            DO IT

            I knew you were having a bad day yesterday. Today is a new day, and we are all here for you. Your childeren LOVE you. They may not like the drinking, but seeing you get better is a great gift to them and a wonderful wonderful example.
            I just changed the subject to boots since I am in a fashion rut.

