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    Morning WANKERS! Keep you hand on it - it's safer than holding a drink...
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*



      I am so glad for this thread.

      For today is my birthday and this is the first thing that made me laugh!

      So thank you whoever......

      Also I did not know what a wanker was either.....but wouldnt ya know it has to do with a wankie......duh!

      live and learn......

      this is a very good example of a year older a bit wiser.....

      back to cleaning throw up now....

      ziggy....drank his water to fast i think so he hacked it on my you mom happy birthday!
      Gabby :flower:



        Gabby, Have a fantastic Birthday!

        Hope you have a truly great and memorable day!



          I was wondering if anyone found maddiva's thread offensive. She also has another one titled "Cunt", which is worse. I was wondering what to do about her....I fiquired I'ld let it play out. As you know we have had a few disruptive personalities whose only intention is to make a mockery of this site. They were'nt interested in getting sober, only disrupting our harmony. ( I'm really cautious about that sort of thing.) IAD.
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss



            I'm new here and don't know the person but I read through the threads and thought the person who posted is probably drunk and possibly blackout drunk because (blush) I used to do this type of thing long ago. The internet is so unforgiving if you dig deep enough you can find the most embarrassing things.

            Personally I wasn't offended but I'm not offended by much.
            vegan zombies want your grains



              IAD;480869 wrote: I was wondering if anyone found maddiva's thread offensive. She also has another one titled "Cunt", which is worse. I was wondering what to do about her....I fiquired I'ld let it play out. As you know we have had a few disruptive personalities whose only intention is to make a mockery of this site. They were'nt interested in getting sober, only disrupting our harmony. ( I'm really cautious about that sort of thing.) IAD.
              I don't think it was offensive IAD- just someone doing what we've all done loads of times- had a drink and had a go at people. OK the language could be called offensive, but it wasn't directed at anyone in particular, and haven't we all used bad language when drinking?

              I just hope she's OK and comes back to let us know that she is OK and that maybe we (the site) can help her get on the path she really wants to be on.



                As so often happens, this thread has taken on a life of its own-- and it's a great life!

                I think it shows the MWO group at its best-- diverse, funny, interesting, understanding, caring, sharing, and forgiving.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                  A few years ago- after behaving myself for a while- I had a very bad relapse.

                  I ended up making a complete fool of myself (maybe wanker is a better word- or dare I say it- even the C- word) getting a 1000 euro electric bike nicked ( I hadn't even locked it) and falling over cracking my head open which ended up in an ambulance being called and a couple of stitches in the head.

                  The next day I woke up in my own bed, BF was called to the hospital to get me, and I did not remember a thing- just wondered why my head was painful. Bit by bit the whole nasty mess came back.

                  The worst part of it was the one or two people who wouldn't let me forget it- most were amazing and had a laugh about it and made me feel better. But there were one or two that still like to mention it years later. We all do daft/stupid/ dangerous things when we drink- that is why we are determined to give it up.

                  Maddiva is no different, I am just thankful it was a harmless post here that gave us all a bit of a laugh, and that hopefully she is now at home tucked up in bed and not in an Accident and Emergency ward.



                    one2many;480935 wrote:

                    You should only look down on someone when you are helping them up.
                    That is so true Oney.

                    Maddiva Come back, we miss you




                      Yes O2M - I love that about looking down. Maddy, keep coming back. It took me MANY MANY humiliations to hold learn to hold my head up (sans neck brace!)
                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*



                        I'm just being cautious. I've seen a lot of good people hurt and scared to even post on this site. Remember Betty Boop and Fallen A. to name a couple. Some of you who have been here awhile know how something like that can really get out of hand, IAD.
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss



                          Gia;480968 wrote: If one wanks, how often is wanking considered normal? And are there different wanking amounts for women and men? Or, is wanking as often as you want considered healthy? So many questions....
                          I think you can do it as often as you wish as long as you don't do it in front of people who do not desire to see you in action.



                            I know nothing.



                              I know what you mean. I personally think Maddiva is truly trying to get sober, is obviously struggling, has apologized for this kind of stuff, and is not attention seeking, or other-blogsite advertising seeking. That kind of stuff I don't like, but I think she is okay.



                                I feel I have provoked Maddiva in some way , I think she has possibly misunderstood my sense of humour , but I hope will be good friends one day Maddiva , were all in this together.

