Yea you are right aa its just the duck gets away with so much and has these subs friends like LUSHY who think her crap taunts are ok
No announcement yet.
Cap, back before I found my sobriety I wasn't happy unless the people around me were unhappy too. I learned through my program that I was just trying to make others feel the way that I felt.
Have to ignore it/them and concentrate on what is important to you. The rest is irrelevant...Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."
Originally Posted by luCKy
Where is Dolphin to soothe the soul?
I don't understand this either......why be so willfully hurtful????
If you cannot say something nice...say nothing at all, this certainly isn't the first time...
I know aa i just find this person really hurtful and evil its not the first time this has happened !!!!1 in hippies posting his hard times with his daughter and access and money and breaking up she said this its not the first time and her mates in so called subs remain silent its dispicable sorry why is she here she contributes Zero
So nasty duck no need for the language i thought you where the innocent level headed one such a shame!!!!! Quote
"I did not know dolphin and hippie were no longer together. What a terrible surprise to hear the news". O dear and a liar as well at christmass time you need to confess now duck 3 hail marys
Merry Christmas Lucky love ya to bits
Do you need a friend today? I would like to offer you support if so. I am not being a smart ass either. Genuine friendship here...being offered. I have been in rough spots on here and needed support. Sometimes we say and do things we later regret. Just take what you need from here and leave what you don't.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
Brit thanks!!!!! ducky needs the love..... I have no regrets..... I wish she would for once!!!!! regret that is!!!!! lucky has consistently said hurtful things and gets away with it and has the support of gabby lushy and the other mafia thats all i speak on behalf of many
Ever since this Post came into play thier has been nothing but trouble with it ! Maddiva, herself has tried to close out this thread........yet it seems to have a life of it's own. It's like a Horror Movie, it won't die. Don't answer this thread and let it die a slow death. IAD.
?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss