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    Ah Capt, WIP is good people.



      Come on Limers let it die!! Ha! IAD.
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss



        brittzak;482390 wrote: It is some kind of HARD!!!! Some days are harder than others.....just never stop fighting the fight!!!!! We will forever FIGHT, but the fight does get easier.
        Sorry to carry this on- I think at the beginning it turned into a useful thread at some point, but if it just becomes a slagging match it is better to let it die...However I would like to say one thing, in response to that Al is always around.

        13 years ago (more or less when I was about 30) I did 2 years AF. That was not strictly true, because at approx. 11 months AF, I had a few nights where I thought it might be OK to have a couple of drinks- I had a few beers for 2 maybe 3 nights- I was working in a pub and we had just finished the mad 10 hrs a day, 7 days a week summer system and gone onto more normal 'winter' hours. (I live in a tourist resort in Spain, for anyone who may not know me). After just those few beers, I decided I did not like the taste, I was waking up feeling sluggish, and decided it just wasn't worth it.

        But I can HONESTLY say, after that I never ever thought about alcohol, anymore than I think about coconut- something I never eat and don't like- therefore it rarely- indeed if ever crossed my mind. Also remember I was working in rowdy pubs, where it was absolutely perfectly normal to get shitfaced every night.

        I only started again after meeting a man who was a chronic alcoholic, but we became very good friends, and were until his death 14 months ago. I doubt I will ever have such a friend in my life again- we could discuss absolutely everything and knew each other inside out- despite a big age difference. This man had been extremely highly decorated as a soldier in the British Military (not something I am a fan of, I prefer peace) but we seemed to have a connection. He trained the SAS, basically he was too good to be there, therefore he trained them, had been a paratrooper- (the UK equivalent of the Marines, and was sent by the British Government to negotiate with Idi Amin during the Tanzania-Uganda War where he was put in Amin's pool (Amin left people to swim there until they drowned- every time someone tried to climb out his guards would push them back in) but he managed to get out. (Long Story!) He was finally very instrumental in bringing Amin down.

        What I mean to say by this is this was a man with extremely strong persuasive powers- not just a drinking pal who tried to co-erce me one night. It took him about 2 months of being in his company for long periods of time everyday to persuade me to drink a shandy- there was not badness in his intentions- he was alcoholic and did not know the first thing about his condition, for him it was normal- all good military men were huge drinkers- but like many Alkies he hated drinking alone.

        What I mean to say by this is I believe that after a certain time AF- for some it may be months, for others it may be many years, but I strongly believe we can all reach a point after a certain amount of time AF that it does not even cross our minds.

        I know many will disagree, and argue that if that was the case I would not have started again, but it would have taken wild horses for someone to convince me it was an OK idea- Al to me just wasn't something I needed or indeed ever thought about- despite being surrounded by alcoholics everyday for many hours, but his persuavive powers were more than wild horses I am afraid.

        I am also happy to say when he died he had been sober for around a year, so in the end he even overcame his own demons- which were many.



          HUGS......thank-you for sharing that with us.
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



            capt Jack....I hardly know you. Actually I am bein polite. I dont know you at all. But I feel so flattered to be mentioned up there with the best of em....I mean I flunked bitch training. I am just thrilled that more of it sunk in then I thought.

            That is if this is what your referring to.... is it?

            Gee I hope you read this before I am back on your ignore list...
            Gabby :flower:



              You ladies are'nt going to let this thread die, are you ? IAD.
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss

