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Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

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    Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

    Gabby, doggie needs a Christmas hat...LOL!!
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

      Gorgeous Gabby..

      Hows the boys?
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

        i have not read thought the thread bu[ame=][/ame]t ilove this song xmas one...lots
        family is everything to me


          Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

          Teardrop, you should read the thread...LOL!! We don't need youtube because we have Gabby :h
          Anyhow, thanks for the song :lilangel:
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

            that ok i always seem to lose the plot i did post it on another thread but im a bit slow.....never mind!!!!!!!!!!!
            family is everything to me


              Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

              the boys are good, I have my own house now, i completely lost my long sobreity and now only have 40 some days, and my cute doggie has cancer and only 4 months or so to live. other than that life isnt to bad how bout you...lisa and the kids. hug em all for me will ya?
              Gabby :flower:


                Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

                Is chrismas the same as chrisTmas?


                  Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

                  LookingToGrow;481730 wrote: Teardrop, you should read the thread...LOL!! We don't need youtube because we have Gabby :h
                  Anyhow, thanks for the song :lilangel:
                  well and thats right teardrop....LTG is right on the spot there!

                  (geeze that almost slipped right past me)
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

                    and the same as in lucky and luCKy I would say and if you wanna call me a smart arse some one else on this thread has beat you to it.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

                      Awww..Gabby..I'm really sorry to hear about your dog..Glad your doing good though..
                      If i remember right we gave up at the same time in long as your back on the wagon thats the main thing..I am back on the wagon but have dome some amazinly stupid shit in the last 2 years that you have proberly bi-passed..(smartarse)
                      Lisa and the monkeys are all great..Costing me an absolute fortune as they always do this time of year..But i wouldnt have it any other way..The girls think they're getting a laptop Each..HaHaHAha
                      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                        Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

                        excuse me i was af up till last holidays macko
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

                          Your excused..Dont do it again..
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            Where did the chrismas songs thread go?

                            [ame= ]YouTube - Perry Como - The Christmas Song[/ame][ame= ] [/ame] Instead of talking about the songs let's hear some !! Ha! IAD.
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss

