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Need website to find good movies!

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    Need website to find good movies!

    Hi all --
    Thought I would post this under General. Here's the deal. I do not watch much T.V. and rarely (maybe once a year if that) go to the theatre. I have not had a Blockbuster membership in over two years b/c I rarely used it. BUT, I do love a great movie! (When I finally get in the mood to watch one) I am frustrated because we have Dish network with literally hundreds of channels and movie channels, HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, etc. The last two nights I could not find ONE movie that appealed to me. I am sure there were probably great ones on, but because I am so out of the "movie loop" that titles mean nothing to me. I read the reviews of some and only one or two sentences is given and does not grab me.

    Now I dont want to be made fun of because of the movies I DO like so I'm not going to list titles because that is not my question. My question is, does anyone know of a good website where you can type in the title of a movie you really like, and it will offer suggestions of similar movies you would enjoy? There is a music website that does this and I LOVE it. I have discovered many new music artists this way and find it hard to believe that after "googling" for such a website that I cannot find one.

    Any suggestions of a website that will do this? I'm technically challenged. :nutso:
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

    Need website to find good movies!

    I think WIP or someone else just this morning posted about a site that offered free movies. I cannot find the thread but hope whoever it was will let you know!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Need website to find good movies!

      yup, I just joined Netflix, there is a 30-day free trial. You can join up and it asks you a series of questions, and pops out recommendations, plus descriptions of the movies it recommends! I love it!


        Need website to find good movies!

        Oh and the one Lushy is talking about is, I think, what DG mentioned on the AF thread this morning, she has the link in her post, it is Hulu or Hula or something... it is free, but there are ads. I don't think it gives you recommendations, but I'm not sure...


          Need website to find good movies!

          Not good with movies but just wanted to say HI honey.

          Your buddy,



            Need website to find good movies!

            Yes, it was DGs post in the daily ABs thread. Sounded interesting Allie.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Need website to find good movies!

              yes, Netflix is late fees!! But just use it for the suggestions, its great. I actually set up an account and had movies sent to my Mom in another state. She loved it, it was like I was renting movies for her.

              I too have trouble picking movies. I walk up and down the isle wishing I knew what to choose. Too many horror movies out. But we did love Hancock, it was a great movie.
              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                Need website to find good movies!

                I didnt know Netflix did that? Wow! I will go check them out immediately.

                Oh... HI Sweet Sammys!

                As I said, I'm not much of a movie person but I'm on an AF stretch and find that a really good movie is a great distraction. Most of the ones on TV make me want to drink. :H

                Thanks WIP --- I'm heading to Netflix this very moment.
                If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

