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    I just can't get through one day. Each day I wake up and say to myself I will not drink tonight. This is the day I will start anew. If I could only make it one or two days, I would get on track. But each evening, I make an excuse and drink again. I take the supplements and they don't seem to help. I've gained like 5 pounds in the past two weeks because of alcohol. I have Campral, but it won't work unless I don't drink. Does anyone have any suggestions to get me through these first few days?:upset:


    You really have to dive into it with both feet. Have a plan that will keep you busy ALL day/evening. Eating small meals throughout the day will help you too. If you are full; it will subside the cravings.

    We all know how hard it is to stop. Especially your first day. Keep telling yourself that you DO have the strength, the courage and that you are SO worth it.

    Both feet, baby.... both feet. We will be here for you.



      Ditto on Accountable's advice-- and get all alcohol out of the house if possible.

      Have you thought about using Antabuse? If you have the will in the morning, you take the pill, then in the evening, it's too late to change your mind.

      You are not helpless. There is so much help to be had here. Keep coming and we'll be here to help.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



        And, ditto AFM and Beatle.... you really have to change up your routine, set things up in your life so that you can get out of that rut. Get rid of the alcohol, set up a plan to do other stuff in the evenings, get someone to help you with that, if at all possible.... most of all, write out (don't just think about it, write it down) all the reasons you WANT and need to get the alcohol out of your life, and all the things you can and want to do when you are free of it...

        Come here a lot, read a lot... read the "tool box" thread over and over again... post a lot about how you are doing.... go to AA.... get some antabuse...

        all of these are things that have worked for many, many of us. They will work for you, too.

        best wishes,




          Hi Ready!
          I hope you log on again today. First, about the Campral. You need to detox for about 3 days before you begin taking it. It then takes about 5 days to take effect. What supps do you take, how much, and how often?
          Along with eatting properly, you also need to drink plenty of water. You need to keep busy but you also need to rest. It's hard work for our bodies to detox.
          If at all possible, I encourage you to stay here as much as you can. There are many peeps here willing to talk you through the roughest few hours and days. Let me know how else I can hellp you :h
          LTG AF January 13, 2011



            Ready, You CAN do this! You know you can! Do it first, for yourself. Care for yourself, the way you would a loved one... Sending up prayers for stregnth! Hugs, Best
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



              Hi ready,
              You really have to ask yourself if you`re truly as ready to quit as your username is saying........

              When and only when you are really ready.........then you will quit.

              If it`s any comfort to you, I also felt just as you do when first I tried to stop drinking........I would all but shout that I wasnt going to drink TODAY from the roof tops each and every morning, only to weaken and indulge my love of wine each and every night.

              It`s a vicious circle that has to be broken and only you can break it for yourself........campral, topa etc.......these are merely aids to strengthen your first have to find that resolve. Tell yourself that failure is simply not an prepared to suffer a little initially, just as all of us who have already quit had to endure varying levels of discomfort in the first few days.

              If this woman sitting here can do it, so too can you, but you will have to stop deceiving yourself.......choose a set day to quit and push yourself through the discomfort. No, it is not easy, but it is just have to try it for real. You need to get serious........have no alcohol in the works if you are determined enough.

              My best to you.

              Star x
              Formerly known as Starlight Impress.



                I somewhat agree with Star here. Is there maybe a little voice in the back of your head that is sabotaging you? It can be amazing what we start accepting as normal when we are drinking... That feeling like crap (mentall and physically) almost becomes comforting, and even though we know we need to change to get better.

                Set a date to stop and have a plan in place just to get through the first day. Don't think of this as a lifetime deal - just one day at a time.
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."



                  AAthlete;482752 wrote: That feeling like crap (mentall and physically) almost becomes comforting, and even though we know we need to change to get better.
                  Isn't that so true!? You know, I have even missed that feeling of power, when I was feeling lousy and trembling and needing more alcohol and KNOWING that I could take one drink and feel better. Weird. (Of course, that one drink always led right back to the feeling lousy and trembling... and so the circle continued.)
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

