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Terry's Nails

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    Terry's Nails

    You wanna see my toe-nails right now!lol Or rather WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?. I've got a bad infection in both my big toes after just having my ingrown toe-nails removed a couple of weeks ago. I would post pictures but I feel the less weak hearted would fain at the sight of em!!lol

    Love Hips
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Terry's Nails

      Nah, we`ll pass on the pics, just let those yukky toes carry on lurking, Boyo!!!! :H

      Star x
      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


        Terry's Nails

        Yes, Vlad has it right. Please, all joking aside now. It really, really bothers me as I woke up ( I work nights ) and it is spreading to all my fingernails, now.
        I was hoping there were some members who would be able to relate with me on this one. Maybe I need to join a Liver Disease Forum??? I haven't been able to find any real good ones, though.


          Terry's Nails

          72, I can't relate in that I don't have that particular problem... but I am concerned, and wondering what the prognosis is? What does your doctor say about it?


            Terry's Nails


            I haven't seen a Doctor since the last bout of Hepatitis cleared up which was probably in June. I do recall the Gastro Dr. asking to see my fingernails first thing. Back then they were normal.

            It apparently has something to do with abnormal blood vessels that can be directly correlated with Liver Disease. Some further digging has revealed that it also could be purely vascular. But I have been having the crazy symptoms that I had the first time... Believe me, it seems to effect nearly everything with me... No wonder my PCP became flustered with me.


              Terry's Nails


              I believe you are referring to the half moon at the bottom tip of the nail? This is different... It is more like the middle of the nail turns white from side to side as you can see in the pic Vlad posted. The upper tip remains a normal color... It is the distinguishing trait of Terry's nails. Other health problems can manifest in varying forms.
              How old was this patient that received a transplant?
              I really freak out when I first discover something. Then, after it sinks in some I start to plan accordingly. I am already thinking of how I would like to live my life if I were told I only had five years... But, then again I can be a Hypocondriac at times. I thought I was developing Heart Failure until an ultrasound proved otherwise. Damn thing is, if your Liver starts dysfunctioning if can cause a wide variety of issues...


                Terry's Nails

                Thanks Kate and Vlad.

                I am going to schedule an appointment with my Gastro in the morning.

                I guess there's always hope it isn't as serious as it appears... I would most definitely take the Hyperthyroidism over Cirrhosis. Some articles claim that it can be Cirrhosis, Alcoholism, Liver Disease, Renal Failure, and now I've seen Hyperthyroidism...Hmm, such lovely choices.


                  Terry's Nails

                  IAD - I think you are a quality member and an asset to this site, but that pic was uncalled for. It's not like that and I failed to see any humor in it.

                  Hippie37 - Likewise, I think you are a valued member but I fail to see where the thread indicated it needed comedy relief... Geesh, did it come off sounding like I was drunk and worried over something trivial?


                    Terry's Nails


                    I am here.

                    I know the fear and the worry.

                    It hurts us. It hurts me.

                    My nails are healthy, although they are fake. My internals are not healthy. They are real and they are taken on bythis disease/addiction.

                    Do not assume you are okay because you went a few weeks sober.

                    I am not making fun of your plight. My daughter lost her hair/nails/etc because of this disease/addiction.

                    She is doing well today but only because she is sober.

                    I wish there was something else I could tell you but there is not.

                    You must stop drinking. Period.

                    Full stop.


                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Terry's Nails

                      Thank you Cindi, that was very kind.

                      I was about to ask how your daughter was doing... Thanks again, it gives me hope :h

                      We alchies can be incredibly resilient, unless we cross that invisible line.



                        Terry's Nails

                        Just for the record: I joined MWO last January when I was having a tough time putting the brakes on drinking. I went one week sober in Jan. Then I relapsed for a couple of weeks... Two weeks sober in February... Then, beginning on March 3rd, I embarked on 7 months of sobriety... My longest streak in 6 years. I had a host of ailments up and until fall... They finally subsided and since the Doctors had convinced me I hadn't inflicted any permanent damage on myself, I thought I was healed up and back to normal...wrong!

                        Also, this thread isn't a "cosmetic concern." Normally, I would care little if my nails had white areas in the middle... It's what it indicates that matters to me.


                          Terry's Nails


                          Yes. It is what your nails indicate. My daughter and I are the same way. Hair and nails can be faked, the body cannot.

                          I hope and pray you are okay physically. Please stay off the alcohol. AL is a tricky beast, he/she hurts us and lies. Big time.

                          Thank you for caring about my girl. She is my light.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Terry's Nails


                            So sorry you are going through this worry.

                            I guess the best thing is to get down and have some tests done- however much you don't wish to hear the outcome. I take it you are already taking milk thistle? It is supposed to do wonders for liver regeneration, and the liver is a very forgiving organ.

                            Besides it may not even be your liver, it could be something else.

                            Please let us know how you get on.


                              Terry's Nails

                              You are quite welcome Cindi.

                              I am 8 days sober as of now. I've pretty much reached the conclusion that to continue drinking only leads dowwwnnn... Also, it only serves to frustrate Doctors. It's like a very poignant yet deceptive question: Do you want to quit, receive help and live, or, do yourself in...
                              Personally, I don't wanna go out like that.

                              Love to you as well,



                                Terry's Nails

                                Morning Feb, please let us know how you get on.
                                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

