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Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

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    Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

    Well, first let me say this is my fault for not checking with my doctor before taking Kudzu.

    I have a thyroid disorder (had Grave's Disease which is an overactive thyroid which was corrected by radiating my thyroid and now I have no thyroid function so I am hypothyroid). I take Synthroid to replace my thyroid. Many people take Synthroid or thyroid replacement to boost a slow acting thyroid, as well.

    I have been pumping in the Kudzu twice a day for over 10 days (am 10 days AF) and started to swell up like balloon and look like I had been drinking 4 bottles a wine a day. I was ungodly tired and felt so foggy. I never put 2 & 2 together.

    After a trip to the ER on Sunday because of problems with my heart - irregular beats, blood pressure swinging from way too low to way too high - it was discovered that the Kudzu I have been taking has soy isoflavones. The soy isoflavones can and do seriously effect thyroid function. They can seriously worsen an existing diagnosed thyroid problem or effect an undiagnosed problem.

    So I had only one dose yesterday and none today and already feel better. I will have a thyroid test in a week to make sure things are moving back to the right direction.

    I have double checked the other supplements and find no other thyroid issues. Just a note for anyone else who may have a thyroid problem. Check with your doctor first - but it is well documented that soy & thyroid don't mix.

    I am thankful that I found out when I did. So, no kudzu for me. Only glutamine.
    "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler

    Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

    thank you for mentioning this, I have a thyroid issue and I avoid soy, I will check all my labels carefully


      Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

      My labels did not have a warning about soy - you can Google Kudzu & soy isoflavones or Daidzen/Puerarin (components of kudzu) and soy.
      "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


        Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

        does the mwo kudzu have soy in it? that is the kind I have...


          Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

          My understanding is that daidzen is an isoflavone (component of) of soy and it is in MWO Kudzu and all Kudzu I think.

          I am SUPER sensitive to medicine so I know this threw my thyroid into a tailspin - I had a major TSH spike in 10 days and alot of the symptoms to go with it - just today I am starting to de-puff - a little.

          You may not have this reaction if you have been using Kudzu for awhile - it hit me within 10 days. They told me to never take it but you may want to check with your doctor.
          "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


            Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

            Wow! C&C thank you for this information. I had extreme hyperthyroid and had my thyroid nuked too. I never knew that I could not have soy! I actually took the Kudzu for six weeks, 2 times a day.....I don't remember having side affects, but then again, I was just so happy to not be drinking!

            Do you know of a website where I can find out more about foods and thyroid conditions?

            Thank you so much!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

              Kate -
              I just googled a bunch of combinations - soy and thyroid, thyroid & daidzen, thyroid & kudzu, etc.

              There is information out there....and I did not know it about soy & thyroid either....I shudder to think of menopause now - I'm 39. But from what I was told yesterday & from what I've read about soy supplements & thyroid I will steer clear.

              I have a hard enough time staying regulated (my TSH) without any other added problems. I always seem to flucuate within 1 - 2 TSH points throughout the year. It's just a b**ch.

              But my God does Kudzu work to ward off the cravings it sucks that I can't take it. But when I looked in the mirror yesterday I freaked out & thought I must have massive liver damage & failure since I was retaining so much water & getting so puffy. Thank God it was just my thyroid - that can be adjusted if necessary.
              "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


                Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

                I've had hyperthyroidism and was treated with carbimazole, so not had my thyroid nuked as it's working fine now. Can kudzu affect it anyway?
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

                  oh my god. thank you for pointing this out to me. i have no thyroid condition. however, have the five bottles of wine a day swelling. I find this a really interesting post. Try taking milk thistle though cos that will help neutralize the liver and i could give you the scientific studies on this. Liver needing to work due to toxin overload.


                    Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

                    C&C, You are right, this thyroid stuff is a bitch to keep regulated. It is very scary when you study all that our thyroid gland controls in our bodies, every single organ and every other hormone! I know that my levels have been much more stable since I have not been drinking. No doubt drinking also affects the thyroid levels as it does so many other things.

                    Thank you for all of this information! Be Well!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

                      Does anyone know if ALLONE powder has any soy in it? I hope not!


                        Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

                        Thyroid Problems: Soy and Thyroid Connection, thyroid peroxidase, thyroid connection

                        Here is information on this topic.....sorry I am not very computer savvy.

                        Lila, I did not see soy in the AllOne.

                        Again, I am not a doctor, but if you are taking the kudzu and don't feel like your thyroid is right this may be why - otherwise - bonus you may not be effected. I always fall into the 1% of if it can happen it will happen to me - my thyroid has been a nightmare to deal with.
                        "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


                          Kudzu Thyroid - Careful

                          Hyperthyroid & Kudzu OK?

                          So if I understand correctly, the soy decreases thyroid function, so if I'm hyperthyroid, then taking the Kudzu with the soy may actually do double duty and help that problem as well? I take PTU for the thyroid, along with Propranolol for regulating my heart, and I'm finally pretty close to normal. Does anyone know how dramatically the Kudzu soy affects thyroid function - I'd had to almost be normal, and send myself down to HYPO for using the kudzu.

                          Hope this post isn't too old - if anyone has info, it'd be much appreciated!

