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ok you all have to tell me are you al well off,put me in the will,hahahha,your all flying off here and there and worrying about the PARTY,good luck to you all,help me out, i met a lot of folks tht were well offf and were ,not in this world,comon on folks,im lookin to retire cause ive worked ,hard for almost 40, years,people comin do get thee inheritance, im lost,gycoTags: None
We're just all normal people, some welthier than others, some struggling to make ends meet, this disease affects us all - doesn't have any boundaries.Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
Not sure what you're saying, Gyco. But I am sure not well off. I am lucky to have a modest but nice home (still paying for of course) and a working spouse, but I have been tryng to find a FT job for over 5 years. I too work hard -- I worked 4 part-time jobs, including a home business, until baby and then all of that was just too much. I still am juggling several jobs as well as home and family, and still not making ends meet. So I don't know what your point is, but most of us do work and struggle to feed our families and maintain a decent existence.
Gyco, alcohol doesn't discriminate between those with money and those without. Nor does having money guarantee you any better chance of sobriety (or moderation) then those who are penniless.
Within my AA home group I personally know of one stock trader who is a retired millionaire, and one unemployed painter who is trying to find work. The common factor is that they are both fighting this battle and are doing it together.
I'm sure the same is true here...Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."
Hi Gyco.....
Im not homeless ......i have two part time jobs had to let the third one go....xmas is only round the corner must not forget to put my name down for over time today thanks for the reminder.... i dont think it matters how much or less money you got we are all in the same boat.:l
Take care
Teardrop.xfamily is everything to me