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    Heard this is a meeting this morning and it really resonated with me:

    "Practically everybody wishes to be rid of his most glaring and destructive handicaps. No one wants to be so proud that he is scorned as a braggart, nor so greedy that he is labeled a thief. No one wants to be angry enough to murder, lustful enough to rape, gluttonous enough to ruin his health. No one wants to be agonized by the chronic pain of envy or to be paralyzed by sloth....

    We who have escaped these extremes are apt to congratulate ourselves. Yet can we? After all, hasn't it been self-interest, pure and simple, that has enabled most of us to escape? Not much effort is involved in avoiding excesses which will bring us punishment anyway. But when we face up to the less violent aspects of these very same defects, then where do we stand?"

    I have to be honest.. There are times that I relish in lesser degrees of these handicaps. How many times since getting sober have I said something simply to try and impress someone... or become upset when someone cut me off in traffic.... or wished that I could have someones job that paid more than mine....

    What I have to remember is that I am never, ever going to be perfect
    . Yes I have beat my alcoholism (so far), but I have to continually be on-guard for those very things that used to make me want a drink. I need to work on recognizing them when they occur, accepting them, and then letting them go. That perfectionism that I used to have (all or nothing) has faded a bit but will never be truly gone and as long as I understand that I will be in a better position to maintain my sobriety.

    Sorry for the long-winded post.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


    My husband told me last night that I am a lot "bitchier" since I stopped drinking. Also yesterday at work I made one of my employees cry, not on purpose she cried because she messed up and I called her on it. But hey, at least I'm not walking around like a zombie anymore, smiling at everyone and letting everything go. When you drink every night, it's like you never really sober up.
    vegan zombies want your grains



      Hiya CF and AAth - SHORTCOMINGS!!! I have many, and my defects of character, as it were, are many. But I am working HARD on them. Here's a few wee exerpts I subscribe to:

      *Curbing tongue and pen when angry
      *PAUSING when agitated or doubtful and taking time for clarity and sanity to return instead of acting out
      *Asking my Higher Power for the right thought or action
      *Saying to myself (over and over, and sometimes with clenched teeth) "Love and tolerance are our code"

      CF, the other night I was feeling really intolerant and niggly, my son asks "what's for dinner" and I blankly replied, "wait and see"....he told me I needed a drink. This is something I have been told lts when in early sobriety, because I am on a rollercoaster of emotions. IT'S OK. Our loved ones are not used to us getting through shit without a drink, I reckon sometimes they are just holding their breath, waiting for us to succumb AGAIN

      Keep practicing breathing deeply, Devise a wee "prayer" or mantra in those black moments.

      Blessings all and AAth - love the thread subject. Thanks
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*



        Thanks for the post, AA.

        I certainly know that I will never be perfect and, nor do I any longer wish to be. Quitting drinking has caused me to be conscious enough to be aware that I am far from perfect.

        Since I quit drinking, I have made a conscious effort to strive to be a better person in my treatment of others. Put simply, I am finally growing up. I am no longer taking anything for granted and am careful never to feel smug about my sobriety........being sober makes me nothing special.........we all know that we are merely ONE DRINK away from a return to being our former drunk.

        Star x
        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.

