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Army Thread 3rd December 2008

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    Army Thread 3rd December 2008

    Good Morning all,

    I am so glad yesterday is done and dusted, it was a strange day all round and I dont think I am the only one to have felt it....I need to take heed of my own advice and take what is good for me and ignore the rest...

    Anyway today is a new day and its got to be a better one

    Oney, you must be excited now its NY Eve?? I am excited for you!!! You are at your mates tonight arent you?

    KP, day three for you and things normally begin to brighten for you on the third day dont they?

    Rubes, hope things are going better for you today....

    Yesterday a friend made me an automated spreadsheet that changes each day and gives me interesting facts about the number of days I have been sober. Its at work, so today I will be looking at 148! Its like my very own "hurdling" calendar, a bit like an advent calendar but for sobriety

    Have a lovely sober, positve day everyone.
    Love starts xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 3rd December 2008

    good morning starts and everyone to come. Cold cold day here and everything is pretty frosty.
    Day 3, and feeling slot better and eating well again, though I'm still not sleeping and still have no sickness pay, so am worried about money alot at the mo. Haven't been in this position before, and it's part of the battle plan to get over this hurdle as I feel it's a huge part of my recovery.
    Oney... You must be getting very excited. I'd love to be going to the big apple right now. Your going to have a great time.
    Hope everyone has a great productive, sober, stress free day!
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Army Thread 3rd December 2008

      Morning all! Cy. it took me until about day 8 or 9ish i think before i got a hint of what sleep would be like...Don't mean to put you off! Big congrat's on reaching day 3.... G.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Army Thread 3rd December 2008

        hey g, good to here from you. Hope all is well and the weather is good! I'm usually ok by day 3, but I guess the more you abuse alc and yourself, the longer it takes.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Army Thread 3rd December 2008

          Hi all, I am on day 4 ( I think) and having trouble sleeping too, i'm hoping my body will adjust soon though x


            Army Thread 3rd December 2008

            hey sweet. You having vivid dreams too? There mental!!
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Army Thread 3rd December 2008

              yes, unfortunately mine are very disturbing and sometimes involve my children which can be very upsetting , but hopefully they'll stop soon!


                Army Thread 3rd December 2008

                yer, me too. Sometimes really crazy and sometimes quite upsetting. From experience I find they should stop after about 4-5 days max.
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  Army Thread 3rd December 2008

                  Aloha all!

                  Sweets, those dreams are of a type I would have to wake myself out of...God! Keep perservering, you are doing awesome! The reward will be sooo worth it.

                  Being comfortable in my own skin was one of the reasons why I started drinking and using in the first place, many tired years ago. Today, with the benefit of much pain, I am living a life clean and sober beyond my wildest dreams.....hey...there's no porsche in my garage (Feck, I still don't have my license back, even), and my man ain't THAT hot (LOL), etc etc, but I am WILLINGLY clean and sober today, and that is a miracle. I CARE about others and their feelings, that too is a miracle. I care about MYSELF - shit! What more can I say..... I haven't had a drink and I am comfortable in my own skin!

                  O2M - thinking of you! Not long now.
                  Bless you all!
                  *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                    Army Thread 3rd December 2008

                    That's the ticket, O2M - we are truly blessed. Have been to hell many times. Choose not to go today.
                    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                      Army Thread 3rd December 2008

                      Yes, today hell can stay outside in the freezing cold with the empty bottles of liquid hate in the bin. Im staying inside in the warm, seeing my 2 favourie girls and enjoying my sparkly crimbo tree!
                      Just had a really good brek, so going to try and have another hours sleep before i sort some stuff out.
                      See ya all later.x
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Army Thread 3rd December 2008

                        See you cy - all best with that precious hour!
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          Army Thread 3rd December 2008

                          Morning All!

                          I am going to have a few days away from MWO- the shop is doing OK but we really need to get our bums in gear to get advertising out and make sure we have a great Xmas- as after Xmas Jan and Feb are very quiet around here, so for a few days PC must stay off!

                          I am glad to hear you are all doing well- I have been doing much better myself since I had my ear infection- after a few days of having to be AF due to the infection, a shift seems to heve finally occurred- I am making sure I eat a big meal before witching hours starts, and some more during the evening and it seems to be working a treat. I just don't feel like drinking when I've eaten.

                          Oney, I hope you have a wonderful time in NY- please take loads of pics!

                          Will see you all soon X


                            Army Thread 3rd December 2008

                            cymru;484384 wrote: Yes, today hell can stay outside in the freezing cold with the empty bottles of liquid hate in the bin.
                            I have a growing pile of empty beer cans in the kitchen, it looks shocking but I'm not ashamed because I know they weren't drunk all in 1 night. It's just cold and I can't be bothered to put them in the recycling box. Hubby was embarrassed with my parents came round though and there wasn't as many then!!! Maybe I'll shift them tonight...
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                              Army Thread 3rd December 2008

                              :thumbs::yay::thankyou::day5:Take care, Marbella and thanks for your helpful insights. See you when you back!
                              Vlad - chuck the little feckers in the trash ASAP! Once it's done, well, it's DONE!!
                              Wishing all to come a grand day clean and sober.
                              Over and out on a rainy Wednesday night.
                              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

