We have snow about 7 months of the year. (But it is usually to dry to make a snowman, how sad is that?)
We have no state or sales tax.
Each Alaskan (even the kids) receives about $1000+ a year oil dividend. (Gotta love that!!)
Summer brings 24 hours of daylight. About a month of it around June.
Winter brings the opposite. The shortest day is Dec 21st About 3 hours daylight.
There are still active gold mines.
Someone new to Alaska is called a Cheechako (I thought they were calling me a cheese taco??)
We use special heaters on the engines and have to plug in our cars in the winter so they will start.
Some of us are even spoiled enough to have heated seats and remote auto starts.
And you will laugh at this one but it is true,
Moose droppings, mosquito traps and a hand painted walrus penis bone are all considered souvenirs!!!
The craziest part…I’m originally from Vegas! :bang
I invite others to share as well. I love the fact that we have all come together from so many places and can support each other in our common goal.