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    It doesnt hurt anyone does it AA..I wish i had the resourses to do what you do...I bet you get as much back as the families you help..
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



      I have to admit too WIP I guess my approach to life is that of a Christian I guess. I just don't like falling back on 'categories' to define my nature. I am who I am at the end of the day Buddha, Christ, Gaia, etc. Will not pigeon hole myself as I believe more in the way of Mother Earth I guess. But I bleieve in my fellow man etc. Peace and Goodwill?? AS I SAY PAH! Doesn't wash with my anymore!
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

        Scrooge! :H

        You will soon be visited by three ghosts....
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

          Do you know what i wish though...The 4 ceiling decorations i bought yesterday didnt make my livingroom look like a chinese takeaway..
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

            What is wrong, or aha! with it having pagan roots? Makes it all the better; so much history. It would be a shame to throw it out. the 'evergreen' tree reminding us of of better days to come...I also think children NEED traditions. Christmas to me is a SEASON, with tons of rituals, whatever they are, the more the better, over here we do lots of crafts and have an advent wreath, taking out the manger set..
            Probably Christmas, Yuletide, etc, Birthday of the Sungod, call it whatever you want, is to ward off Seasonal Affective Disorder, we need a party in the dead of winter.


              CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

              I think Linus put it best in "A Charlie Brown Christmas." For those of you who know it, I don't need to repeat it here. For those of you who don't, I'm sure someone more tech-savvy than I am will find the YouTube clip.

              My niece's birthday party is next week.. She will be 5. Last year at her party (it's just a family get-together) she had so many gifts that she had to take an intermission break from opening them. There must have been 25 or 30. Every year it is like a fucking wedding shower, for a small child. Granted, many of the gifts are small (coloring books, crayons, etc.) but it is just overkill and too much for anyone. This year I fear it will be worse, as her grandma died in the spring, so the rest of the family may go overboard. AND all of this is 2 weeks before Christmas.

              I didn't raise my stepson this way, nor am I raising my son this way (they are 17 and 2, respectively). We appreciate dinners, time together, and a few heartfelt gifts, if the pocket allows it.

              Sorry to rant. Hippie I am with you.


                CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

                Hey Lila, didn't Kramer from Seinfeld designate "Festivus -- for the rest of us"? Maybe we should bring that back to life! And have a holiday shrub!


                  CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

                  I tend to avoid discussions that involve politics or religion, but when CS brought up Charlie Brown Christmas I had to respond. I agree it's gotten a lot harder to keep the focus off of the toys and on the peace and good will part, but it's all in our attitude and effort. It's important to me to celebrate Christ's birth. It's important for me to keep the main focus on that celebration and to teach my kids the reason for the season. It also teaches them about giving. And the magic of Christmas and Santa Claus. And everyone needs something to look forward to. But Linus says it best:

                  [ame= ]YouTube - Charlie Brown Christmas[/ame]

                  And if anyone wants to come to my house and watch the whole movie, I'm getting it for Christmas. How do I know, because I ordered it for myself!:H
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

                    Yes - and I don't think kids are as materialistic as people think. But they like the same things to happen, every year, my kids, it just helps life make sense. I don't even know if it matters WHAT it is.
                    I like all traditions, and I find the history of Christmas fascinating, Easter eggs, etc. A rich history, I am glad so much has survived throughout the ages.


                      CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

                      I read somewhere that parents were writing to toy companies, to get them to stop marketing to their kids. Because they can't afford all these toys. For goodness sakes, that's their job to try to sell their products, and it is parents job to not stick their kids in front of tv, imho.
                      Sorry, but I do think parents can make choices like that, and not feel too victimy.


                        CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

                        It's good to read some of your responses etc. in the way that you neither agree or disagree with me but have your own perspective on it. CS though I agree with you wholeheartedly and was my point in the first place I guess. My daughter will get spoiled rotten this year because of NEW 'grandparents' ie my ex's new boyfriends parents! My point being WHY should it take a 'festive' season (that c'mon most people have lost touch with in the first place) to make their 'joy' felt to their loved ones. i wanna see Xmas in JUNE!! and for that matter every other month of the year while we're at it! It just sickens me the marketing that goes on. My brother's wife went to get a birthday card for her son who's birthday is on 11th of this month and was told she had left it a bit late to get his card. GUEES WHY? Because all the card shops had stuck the cards away to make room for the XMAS cards that were obviously gonna sell!

                        Sorry but this year I am being a scrooge. Let those ghosts come n visit me because I've got something to say and I'll grab those wraith little bodies and tell em what's what in this world today. Just pisses me off no end!
                        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                          CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

                          don't compete - make your own special time - let her enjoy her gifts, why not? - my kids used to get tons of stuff, now they don't, everyone is still happy (in my house, anyways) - what kids want most is to feel like their world is safe and predictable. And they do need some magic.
                          Just because she gets lots of toys doesn't mean her dad isn't very important to her. Don't underestimate kids.


                            CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

                            Hippie, there is much to be said. My pet peeve is the Salvation Army, who rings bells and claims good deeds, while equally proclaiming on their web page open discrimination against perfectly normal taxpaying citizens. Christ was never about discrimination, and indeed He reached out to the elderly, the terminally ill (lepers), to the old, to women, to prostitutes and even to all those cannot procreate whether by birth, by human hand, or by grace of God. If Jesus reached out, why do the bell ringers seek discrimination? Why not ring bells for slavery for gosh sakes!

                            I celebrate Christmas because Christ is right. For me it is an annual reminder that we need to open our hearts to all people, and find the common good for all people. It is a time to share our joy and love with the outside world, strangers and those we don't understand. Through that sharing maybe they will come to respect us as well.

                            I like gifts best that are humble and hand-made. I give fruit, tea, coffee and books. I'm quite a tea drinker and reader, so I love giving an unusual tea or interesting book to someone I know will appreciate it. We buy electronics and games for ourselves, but for us that's just taking advantage of the sales, and not really the spirit of the season.

                            What I like best is the calm and quiet of Christmas eve. The nearby traffic slows, the local supermarket closes, and the whole world comes to a halt, just for an evening and a morning. I love to go out walking, if only to imagine a world where every person is listening and respectful of every other person. I guess I'm a dreamer. But it wouldn't happen if there weren't a commercial holiday, and for that I'm happy that there is.


                              CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

                              What fun!!! Christmas is for the kids. Singing carols, goodwill lalalalalalalalala....I would love to agree wit the Christians, but sadly I do not. However, as AAth says, "to each his own" LIVE AND LET LIVE. I am afraid that my biggest anti-CHristmas reason (wait for it - and I don't EXPECT to be admired for this AT ALL) is that the shops are closed

                              But I do LOVE the boxing day sales

                              Sober love and hugs to all - from a very shallow recovering spongebob freak
                              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                                CHRISTMAS PAH!!!!

                                Maybe this thread is also about the issues of a family/money holiday, and how that doesn't work well in broken homes. If I was on the other side, (noncustodial) it wouldn't look so merry at all, maybe...probably...
                                Kap, you shock me, stores are closed Xmas, yes!! I too love a good sale! I would love to shop with you, you sound like a serious shopper

