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first 'proper' counselling session

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    first 'proper' counselling session

    Hi all, just to let you know that my appointment is today 12.30. After the other 'question' sessions, this is the real deal lol! You may remember me under the 'i'm miserable' thread last week. Well, I really hope to gain as much as i can from my sessions (8 x 1 hour) and now realise the importance of bringing up the dreaded relapse prevention! I actually bought 2 nights ago a half bottle of vodka. Stressful day at work etc etc. My daughter (11) called me to talk about inconsequential stuff and guess what? I was lighting a cigarette at the time (need to stop lol) and so had to bend down and sort my bag out. Had to move the vodka aside and then just got it out and left it by a wheelie bin and walked away.........good i know but i have had many a thought since of going back to retrieve it!!!! What a saddo. Anyhow, have been af since 19th October. Incredibly hard. Sorry to post and say that it is, but it's true. Am still positive, but sometimes i feel al in my throat and head and it's all i can think of. Will let you all know how it goes later today.....wish me luck! BEST FOOT FORWARD!!

    first 'proper' counselling session

    Best of luck! Leave the vodka by the wheelie bit, maybe snats reindeers will need a wee whiff to warm them up!

    Seriously, a great thing to do, hope all goes well,

    Live your life in such a way that
    when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
    Satan shudders & says...

    'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


      first 'proper' counselling session

      That is excellent to go from October. I hope that your conselling goes well. Maybe it would be a good idea to pour the vodka out of the bottle. I say this as only when I had counselling I felt this over powering urge to drink as it brings out things you forget about. Good luck:h:h


        first 'proper' counselling session

        Summer ... Best of luck for today. When i had my conselling i found it really helped.

        Sending you big hugs:l:l


          first 'proper' counselling session


          Good luck!! I go to a psychiatrist today, too, for the first time. She has a good reputation in town. My GP said she has heard great things about her. I sure hope so because the $$ cost is almost overwhelming. I don't think my insurance covers psychiatrists, just counselors.

          Here's wishing both of us healing.

          AF April 9, 2016


            first 'proper' counselling session

            I feel a group hug coming on!
            I need it just as much as you guys do!


            I sure hope and pray it goes well for all.

            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10

