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Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

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    Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

    I started taking the Kudzu and L-Glut on Tuesday. And I swear I feel light headed, dizzy, my vision seems to be worsening. Has anyone else experienced any side effects?

    Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

    I have no side effects when I take kudzu ... there may be more info on the meds section ...?
    ?We are one another's angels?
    Sober since 29/04/2007


      Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

      Hi Snowshoes!
      I have been taking L-Glut since last month and Kudzu since Monday with no side effects. What is your dosage and schedule? Perhaps that is what needs to be adjusted. I hope this helps :h
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

        Snow- I have the same side effects when I take 2 in a.m and then another 2 in the p.m. Sometimes I take only one per dose,and will take it 3 times a day. You may just need to adjust doses. Find what work comfortably for you by trial and error. If I' have to double up I am ready for the side effects. I don't think they are dangerouse. Unless your driving or somethign of course.

        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


          Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

          Snow- Sorry, I forgot to mention that I only take the kudzu. I do not take the L-glut.

          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


            Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

            Hi Snowshoes-- there is a lot of discussion about l-glut and kudzu on the Holistic Healing forum. I suggest you do a search there and read some of the thousands of posts by people who have been using l-glut and kudzu and what they have experienced.

            Just a quick note from my own experience: Kudzu can make me a bit nauseous if taken on an empty stomach, and I have noticed a slightly lightheaded, dizzy feeling, as you mentioned. I would suggest fiddling with the doses, as others here have suggested.

            I have never felt any effect from l-glut (unfortunately!), even though I take massive amounts, as prescribed in the book "Seven Weeks to Sobriety".

            HOWEVER, I also take GABA, and I do feel significant effects from that-- tingling, burning in the cheeks, and a kind of "high". L-glut is actually supposed to be the precursor of GABA, and I suspect my body is not so good at converting it to GABA, whereas your body might well be, accounting for the effects I associate with taking GABA supplements.

            In the end, this is all trial and error, and what works for one may not work for the other, and vice-versa.

            As Jamms says, these are not inherently dangerous supplements, and certainly not addictive, so you have some room to experiment.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

              Thank you all for your quick replies!! OK. I will work on the doses. I also starting taking N-A-C too so maybe I am just taking too much!! I do think it seems to reduce the cravings though. While I really am looking to be AF completely, I did end up drinking a couple of glasses of wine last night, but really did not have the desire to drink it. It was just that it was there!

              Which of course makes me think that my issue with alcohol is more a matter of habit than an actual disease, but we'll see.

              I will look on the holistic site too.:thanks:


                Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

                snowshoes;486121 wrote: Which of course makes me think that my issue with alcohol is more a matter of habit than an actual disease, but we'll see.
                Hi SS,

                I just had to say, I felt the same way as you. A lot of times it was not and urge so much as it was just habit....come home, comfy clothes, pour a glass. Its only been 4 days but I don't miss it.

                Good luck on finding the right dose of supps. The CDs are great too.
                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                  Side Effects from Kudzu and L-Glut?

                  me too!

                  This is an older thread, but I have been searching the site because Kudzu is making me dizzy/foggy headed too!

                  I take one capsule in the morning with breakfast, another when I get home before dinner. This is only day 2, so who knows. L-glut, I don't take until mid morning, and I was already feeling the dizzyness by then.

                  Does it go away? Anyone?

                  also, a mild headache that doesn't seem to respond to ibuprofen...

