I haven’t been posting much except for the occasional check in on the Newbies Nest Roll Call. Just that simple check-in helps keep me on track, along with giving me the chance to see how others are going, and exchange a hello here and there. Might seem like a small thing, but it helps enormously!
Today marks 11 years sober for me, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to once again express my gratitude to all (and I mean all) at My Way Out. The website post upgrade is really great, and I thank Jod and all admin for making it so.
The MWO community is a friendly, diverse and caring one. We’re all different, but we share that same desire to live our best life, without being held back by problem drinking. Each individual here has their unique story, but something I learned from MWO was how similar the battles can be. It was a relief to not feel so alone with it.
Many people on here have helped me along the way. There’s a lot of power and strength when people get together to support each other. Bless you all.
Forever and always,
Steadfast (aka Steady)
