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Access issues and forum moderation

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    Access issues and forum moderation

    Forum moderation

    Thank you, everyone, for your feedback. It is much appreciated.

    I am polling each of the four forum moderators and will honor their wishes regarding whether or not they want to remain anonymous. I understand both sides of the issue here, but the fact remains: I need solid support in this area. I'm entrusting the task to a few members who have proven themselves to be fair, rational, and compassionate.

    Two years ago, a seasoned forum administrator told me I was nuts to try and moderate a forum like this by myself. I stood my ground and told him I could handle it.

    Fast forward. Over the past couple of weeks I have received mountains of mail from loyal, supportive members who told me they were leaving the site because they could not tolerate the divisiveness, personal assaults, and negativity cropping up throughout the board.

    Moderators will act on my behalf. They are here to help protect the community from egregious behavior (personal assaults, drunk posting, spam, foul language, etc.) when it occurs. They will alert me if possible or take action if necessary. This is not unreasonable. Moderators are not here to comb through posts, seek retribution, or restrict anyone's freedom to speak. I will also continue to welcome the input of each and every member, as I always have.

    I ask that all of you work with me in giving this a run. I'm doing the best I can to provide a safe and supportive environment as we deal with the inevitable growing pains of a lively and active forum.


    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


      Access issues and forum moderation

      Fair enough RJ, thanks for the response, cant be an easy task! had not realised you had received so many complaints! Glad you can see both sides, good luck x
      Keeps x:happyheart:


        Access issues and forum moderation

        Thank you for your response RJ. I hope that if the mods are members they will take in our feelings.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Access issues and forum moderation

          Thank you RJ, I do appreciate the task is far too much for one person.

          However if the moderators are fair, supportive people (I don't imagine you would have chosen people who are not) but as they have been selected from our peers I feel we have a right to know who they are, and if indeed they have always been supportive and loyal they will not have a problem with us knowing their identities.


            Access issues and forum moderation


            That seems fair. Thank you RJ
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              Access issues and forum moderation

              RJ, as you know a few months ago I was set up by a member here creating user ID's similar to mine and causing trouble......... the said member repeatdy pm'd older members here and convinced members that it was me! I have had hateful pm's constantly by these older members and if they are going to be moderators then i will certainly not be staying....

              If they are comfortable with what they are doing then they should be public ........

              BB xx


                Access issues and forum moderation

                Beautifully said, RJ.

                I have lurked for more than 6mos now; I simply just don't want to give up on this site.
                It has been enormously significant to my happiness.

                You have my 100% support.

                * * I love Determinator * *


                  Access issues and forum moderation

                  omg betty thats an awful story!!! glad you survived to tell the tale x
                  Keeps x:happyheart:


                    Access issues and forum moderation

                    I just want to be able to post and be confident that it wont be deleted just because someone is biased ............

                    Sorry RJ, I have the upmost respect for you and your site, but feel uncomfortable at the minute ...........


                      Access issues and forum moderation

                      betty boop;487446 wrote: I just want to be able to post and be confident that it wont be deleted just because someone is biased ............

                      Sorry RJ, I have the upmost respect for you and your site, but feel uncomfortable at the minute ...........
                      I feel uncomfortable too Betty, but I guess we should just trust RJ that she has a good judgment of character, and maybe we will be pleasantly surprised and find things improve


                        Access issues and forum moderation

                        RJ, your response is certainly rational, but I feel you have failed to address 2 major points:

                        1) You did not take into consideration the community that has developed here, did not publicly air the concerns or even the ideas for dealing with the concerns. (OK; YOU did make this site, it IS free, but do you really want this to be a dictatorship situation? I don't think so. You made a GW Bush mistake by taking unilateral action without consulting your FRIENDS, the people here who DO make this site possible... in addition to your undisputably heroic efforts. )

                        2) On top of a unilateral decision, you chose cronies (that's the way it will be seen, no matter how much care you have used in this selection) and you will not identify them, except that we know they are our peers. Come on RJ-- you must see the folly in this?

                        OK, all that said, Rj has pretty much saved my life at least once-- I mean directly saved my life-- and
                        I don't doubt there are quite a few others who can say the same.

                        Still, even perfect people can make mistakes... or at least see how to rectify a small lapse of judgement. Do it RJ. Clean this up for us, so we can go on being the great place this has been and the even greater place it can be. All it takes is a more open and inclusive approach, THAT'S ALL.

                        Open up the problem to the MWO community, take suggestions for how to deal with it, and then follow up on what the "people" want.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Access issues and forum moderation

                          RJ I support you 100% as well. You are the reason we are all here and we need to trust your decisions.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            Access issues and forum moderation

                            beatle;487466 wrote: You made a GW Bush mistake by taking unilateral action without consulting your FRIENDS, the people here who DO make this site possible...
                            Beatle -

                            I completely disagree with you. RJ could pull the plug tonight.
                            ONLY Roberta Jewell makes this site possible.

                            * * I love Determinator * *


                              Access issues and forum moderation

                              yeh, GW could pull the plug, too.

                              That's not the point! I LOVE LOVE LOVE RJ. I told you, she saved my life.

                              I know she is what made and makes this site. Yeh, she could stop it in a moment.

                              But can we all be a little adult here and look at things in more than black-and-white?
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                                Access issues and forum moderation

                                After reading all of this, it sounds like it would be pretty intimidating to be a moderator.

                                I hope that folks will remember that you will still have RJ's ear. If you have complaints about moderators, I imagine that you will still be able to PM RJ about them. You won't be helpless victims.

                                RJ just asked that you give this a try and see how it works. If it doesn't, another solution will be found.
                                AF as of August 5th, 2012

