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Access issues and forum moderation

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    Access issues and forum moderation

    Me and Spongy just want to know what the heck IS a moderator on this site ( obviously NOT someone moderating their drinking?!)

    I shall not post any more on this thread, as my AF life needs to be as uncomplicated and conflict-free as I can possibly make it.

    If someone could just give me a very brief summary of a MWO moderator's role it would be appreciated.

    Thank you in advance!!

    P.S Squidward is NOT happy with me, he wants a DEBATE, I said "No"- firmly but gently LOL
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      Access issues and forum moderation

      Just a bit of humor in all of this....

      Someone came in chat tonight and asked what the moderator thing was all about and I proceeded to explain the difference between Moderating and ABS!

      Where are the chat moderators to clear up the difference between moderating and Moderators? LOL!!! Just kidding.

      RJ, this is your site, and I think moderators are long overdue.

      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Access issues and forum moderation

        I agree that Moderators are long over due.
        Just 2 days ago I said to Hubby, something has to be done to over see this site.I am not smart enough to figure out what that SOMETHING needed to be.Thank GOD that RJ is.
        No Brown nosing here.I am just telling the TRUTH.
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Access issues and forum moderation

          Beatle, I can understand your views completely.

          But the arguments in favor of having moderators way outweigh those against. I have seen so much nastiness recently and it is driving good members away. You can't just allow everyone to say whatever they want, even if it's abusive.

          In terms of oversight, the site has been neglected and we have lost a lot of good people as a result of the bad things that have gone on here.

          RJ did her best to allow it to be free and unmonitored and now it's time to change.


            Access issues and forum moderation

            I think you're doing the right thing, RJ.....people have to be held accountable for their actions.

            I agree with Kate 100%....



              Access issues and forum moderation

              My two cents, which as you know is very unusual for me to get into these debate things.

              1. I do not particularly want to know the moderators since RJ makes the final decision about deleting posts. So, they are just interim moderators. Correct?

              2. I, too, have felt that many threads/posts should be deleted, especially the "trolls" that come on and say horrible things to all the people here.

              3. I do hope that everyone, including RJ, will let the truly provacative threads remain, not the mean ones, not the hateful name calling ones, but the ones where we are looking at areas that are good for us to think about.

              4. I so appreciate that RJ is doing something about what is going on here. I have been so saddened by some of the things I have seen.

              5. This is a start, and will be tweaked. All attempts at corrective actions in life/business are like that.

              6. Being told why the thread or post was deleted is a very good idea. That way people will understand that it was a valid reason.

              7. RJ simply cannot do this herself. Period. No matter who she has chosen, someone would be unhappy with the choices. Que Sera, etc.

              8. Thank you, RJ, for taking a good stab at fixing what has become a serious issue here.

              Much love,
              AF April 9, 2016


                Access issues and forum moderation

                whats a troll cinders?
                Keeps x:happyheart:


                  Access issues and forum moderation

                  true rats on line lately??? )
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Access issues and forum moderation

                    Good points Cindi. Certainly RJ needs some help with this enormous site. I hope though that intervention is only taken in really extreme cases.

                    Cinders;488060 wrote:

                    5. This is a start, and will be tweaked. All attempts at corrective actions in life/business are like that.

                    7. RJ simply cannot do this herself. Period. No matter who she has chosen, someone would be unhappy with the choices. Que Sera, etc.
                    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                      Access issues and forum moderation

                      Trolls are the people who sign up simply to trash the program, the site, or one or more people on the site.

                      For some reason we call them trolls.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Access issues and forum moderation

                        Here is a definition of "trolls" from the website that RJ mentions at the start of this thread.

                        "Trolls are always in flagrant violation of forum etiquette and enjoy disturbing the peace at any forum where they post. Trolls tend to scroll, call names, gossip about other posters, post things that are deliberately provocative and usually that violate the forum's rules about posting. Most moderators hasten to get them banned as soon as possible, but they can sometimes do a lot of damage before this happens."
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          Access issues and forum moderation

                          Thanks Mof3...I have seen a few of these "trolls" since being here. I have my fingers crossed this will work. I don't fear that my posts will be deleted, as I seldom post...mostly lurk...way safer for me that way.

                          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                            Access issues and forum moderation

                            Wouldn't it be great if we could just post without that worry?
                            Absolutely it would Wally22...and I have begun to post more, so we shall see how that goes! Wish me luck...(just kidding)

                            Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                              Access issues and forum moderation

                              Maybe I haven't been here long enough, haven't posted in as many places, or am not as 'consumed' by posting as some, but I have missed many of the problems. To many, it's pretty easy to spot the ugly, drunken postings, which the poster probably prays has disappeared when they sober up, if they remember; the malicious posts directed to hurt someone targeted; and the fishing posts, people just looking for connections, not involvement in our specific problem. Pretty much anything else should go, and posters shouldn't feel 'big brother' is watching and waiting to censure. You know the joke about opinions and a lower part of our bodies? (If you don't, PM me!) I'm just saying the moderation should be like AL moderation, VERY restrained.
                              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                                Access issues and forum moderation

                                What can I say?

                                A sad day indeed that it has come to this.

                                I feel gutted. This place is so very dear to me.

                                Big question is.........CAN MWO EVER RECOVER FROM THIS????????? Only time will tell............

                                Star x
                                Formerly known as Starlight Impress.

