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Access issues and forum moderation

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    Access issues and forum moderation

    As a very long-time lurker (mostly for a long time as a guest), I will say that one of the unique and great things about this site is the mostly self-regulation by its members.

    Flare-ups are part of the magic of the place, as are the reactions of fellow members to try to work through them and limit them and learn from them.

    I don't know how the new system will affect that. I would hope that for the most part the same approach continues, and that members will be allowed every opportunity to sort through things before the "enforcers" step in and impose their solutions.

    I know things can get too far out of hand, and some mechanism or approach should be in place as a safety net of sorts, but I just hope, for the site's sake, that any new way of overseeing things here is implemented only as a very last resort.

    Odd first post for me, but it comes from a long time observer who has gained much from interactions here of every sort.

    Thanks for much. To everybody.


      Access issues and forum moderation

      i agree totally with beatle, i have just subscribed to this site and if i had known that freedom of speech was going to be moderated, opinions deleted etc i would certainly not have done. how can you sustain confidence if you know your comments might be altered in some way. i agree that we should not abuse or insult people but what draws a lot of problem drinkers here is the ability to speak their mind then hopefully read the responses, be reminded of there drunken posts when they see them sober and hopefully improve> out of all the posts i have read here few have been shocking! this site should represent real life not someone else's version of it!
      Keeps x:happyheart:


        Access issues and forum moderation

        Tiresias;487340 wrote: As a very long-time lurker (mostly for a long time as a guest), I will say that one of the unique and great things about this site is the mostly self-regulation by its members.

        Flare-ups are part of the magic of the place, as are the reactions of fellow members to try to work through them and limit them and learn from them.

        I don't know how the new system will affect that. I would hope that for the most part the same approach continues, and that members will be allowed every opportunity to sort through things before the "enforcers" step in and impose their solutions.

        I know things can get too far out of hand, and some mechanism or approach should be in place as a safety net of sorts, but I just hope, for the site's sake, that any new way of overseeing things here is implemented only as a very last resort.

        Odd first post for me, but it comes from a long time observer who has gained much from interactions here of every sort.

        Thanks for much. To everybody.
        Hello Tiresias!

        Welcome- I think you make a very good point- the flare ups are part of the process- Maddiva's posts the other day caused a lot of reaction, but after she did a whole day AF, and a good part of the next one too.

        Don't know if I will stick around but welcome anyway!


          Access issues and forum moderation

          I am in agreement with Beatle, KeepWalking, and Tiresias. Although some people get upset at the site's periodic "flareups," I think the site is kind of its own unique organism. Messy and complicated like a person ... complex, sometimes dark, sometimes silly, sometime annoying, but full of heart.

          Sometimes I cringe at some of the skirmishes, but I have also loved how in general, things work out on their own through most members' diplomacy, kindness, and willingness to forgive. If there is truly a "troll," someone posting only to stir things up, that gets sorted out quickly enough. I fear also that the "clique" issue will become more pronounced and that these long-term members might strike against those who have offended them.

          As Beatle said, "provocative" posts are the ones that most often prompt the most honest and interesting dialogue.

          I understand that RJ probably feels quite overwhelmed with how huge the site has become, but I hope the new moderators will only step in when we have trolls or truly abusive posts.
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Access issues and forum moderation

            Great point T - self regulation is the key and a really abusive member who doesn't apologise once sober could be banned and should not be called 'pissheads' and whats wrong with 'newbies'!!
            Keeps x:happyheart:


              Access issues and forum moderation

              you have hit the nail right on the head DEX, the clique can be overwhelming at times.!
              Keeps x:happyheart:


                Access issues and forum moderation

                i believe if you are going to have moderators .. they should not be a member of the site .. but someone that has work with alcoholics.. just me being positive again
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  Access issues and forum moderation

                  i don't want moderators unless its excessive but they SHOULD certainly be independent from membership here, also it would have been nice to have been balloted on such an important and significant issue!
                  Keeps x:happyheart:


                    Access issues and forum moderation

                    I am not quite sure I understand this part "these long-term members might strike against those who have offended them". Long term members are not the Borg and of one single mind. Many have different opinions, styles etc. There are many long term members.

                    Keep, Newbies are great and always welcome and it's nice to hear people's stories.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Access issues and forum moderation

                      I agree with T. Either they are not members here or if they are then they are known to everyone.
                      Any response to our responses?
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Access issues and forum moderation

                        BTW, I have no idea who the moderators are or do any of the other members. That is up to RJ and she will let us know when she is prepared.
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Access issues and forum moderation

                          why is it just up to RJ, do we not have a say?
                          Keeps x:happyheart:


                            Access issues and forum moderation

                            Tiresias;487340 wrote: Flare-ups are part of the magic of the place, as are the reactions of fellow members to try to work through them and limit them and learn from them.
                            Excellent point!!!

                            And I agree, non members or known members.

                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                              Access issues and forum moderation

                              Because it's her site and I for one have always trusted her decisions. If she chooses to include us, she includes us.....if she doesn't, she doesn't. Either way I am fine with her decision.
                              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                                Access issues and forum moderation

                                it may be her site but would not exist without the members, we all entitled to our opinion but may have been nice to express it before decision made. I guess we can all vote with out feet at the end of the day.
                                Keeps x:happyheart:

