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Access issues and forum moderation

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    Access issues and forum moderation

    Every civilization finds the need to make rules to remain civil.
    Some one or group is chosen to make the choices for the rest.
    Elders, the wise, the compassionate, etc are advised as to the proper route.

    This site has grown tremendously in a short period of time.
    Civility sometimes performs a disappearing act.
    RJ can petition whom she chooses about the path of her site.

    I am sure there will be forks in the road.
    Let's give it a chance.
    * * I love Determinator * *


      Access issues and forum moderation

      I'm already getting paranoid, wondering where the people who are usually active posters are. Some are strangely silent here...I thought I should post so you wouldn't think I was one of the moderators - LOL!
      But I'm okay with this, as RJ is queen in my eyes (sorry lushy :H), we wouldn't be here without her. I am her loyal subject.
      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


        Access issues and forum moderation

        I discovered the true identity of a moderator!!!!!

        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Access issues and forum moderation

          ooh, I heard this is one of our moderators!

          * * I love Determinator * *


            Access issues and forum moderation

            I think moderators are a great idea, again, still. But after reading concerns and now having a few of my own, I hope the moderators are NOT our peers, rather outside persons with knowledge of working with alcohol issues. I too have been attacked here by persons I thought were my friends for reasons I didn't think qualified for the attack. So I personally know you can be blindsided for no apparent reason by someone you looked up too and trusted as a friend...just my 2cents.

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


              Access issues and forum moderation

              As a person who has been toying with participation here, after a very long period of simply reading, who has anonymity concerns, among others, and having this stuff come up at this time, I guess I have some basic questions about the moderator role.

              Will moderators have access to private information contained in the sign-up process?

              Will moderators have access to private messages? (does anybody?)

              Will moderators just be assigned cerain parts or forums on the site?

              Will there be explanations if something we post gets deleted or alterred? Or if something posted by someone else gets that treatment and we are confused as to why? Or will it just be an "accept whatever happens and keep your mouth shut" kind of thing? I'm a bit worried, for various reasons, but some sites get all focused on moderator actions, second-guessing, factions building up, people getting very angry and upset over having their input messed with, and such, and then the solution becoming more of a problem than the problem.

              I don't mean to be a pest before I even really participate here, but some things are of concern.

              Thank you.


                Access issues and forum moderation

                Those are all good questions, Tiresias. I hope that RJ checks in on here soon and answers them.
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Access issues and forum moderation

                  A very small minority of people on this site are very nasty...I wonder if their posts can be delayed until review...maybe that is a bad idea...


                    Access issues and forum moderation

                    Lila - that could be apart of the warning/suspension process for those who continue to not play nicely.
                    * * I love Determinator * *


                      Access issues and forum moderation

                      Just to be clear, I will moderate the moderators. However, I can no longer moderate 7,000 members. I will also continue to review concerns brought to my attention by anyone here. I've done so in the past and have never divulged the source of the complaint.

                      We are still working out the details regarding moderator duties but I can assure you that:

                      * Moderators will not have access to anyone's private information, including anything that was provided at sign up. I will be as vigilant in protecting member privacy as I am our moderators.

                      * Moderators will never have access to private messages. Those messages are only viewable by the sender and recipient.

                      * Moderators will be responsible for keeping an eye on all forums. We may tweak as we go, but this makes most sense to me as we get started.

                      * Moderators will do their best to explain why threads are closed, moved or deleted. I will continue to make the ultimate decision about member banning.

                      Please keep in mind that these actions will only be taken in the most extreme of situations. As many of you have said, the site has generally been self-regulating. But things do get out of hand at times and it is very counterproductive to our mission of providing support. People come here hurting and we are here to help, not harm or provoke.

                      Thanks for the feedback.

                      Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                        Access issues and forum moderation

                        Roberta Jewell;487650 wrote: Just to be clear, I will moderate the moderators. However, I can no longer moderate 7,000 members. I will also continue to review concerns brought to my attention by anyone here. I've done so in the past and have never divulged the source of the complaint.

                        We are still working out the details regarding moderator duties but I can assure you that:

                        * Moderators will not have access to anyone's private information, including anything that was provided at sign up. I will be as vigilant in protecting member privacy as I am our moderators.

                        * Moderators will never have access to private messages. Those messages are only viewable by the sender and recipient.

                        * Moderators will be responsible for keeping an eye on all forums. We may tweak as we go, but this makes most sense to me as we get started.

                        * Moderators will do their best to explain why threads are closed, moved or deleted. I will continue to make the ultimate decision about member banning.

                        Please keep in mind that these actions will only be taken in the most extreme of situations. As many of you have said, the site has generally been self-regulating. But things do get out of hand at times and it is very counterproductive to our mission of providing support. People come here hurting and we are here to help, not harm or provoke.

                        Thanks for the feedback.

                        Thank you.


                          Access issues and forum moderation

                          Hi All,
                          Well, personally, I see no reason to know the identity of the moderators. In fact I think it would be a mistake to make their identities known. This is not a "favorites" type of thing. It is a very serious job.

                          Moderators do not express their "personal preferences", it is only about helping to maintain order and civil behavior.

                          RJ, IMO with a board of more than 6,000 members (I think this is correct???) and more coming in every day, it would be impossible to "Poll Members" to come up with solutions to the issues at hand. You have every right, to make "unilateral dececisions here". This is "your house"! We are freguent guests!! LOL...though at times, I am sure you would like to send some of your guests home for some rest!!!

                          I support your decisions completely......should issues come up, I am sure that the rough spots can and will get worked have always had our trust and confidence!

                          As always, RJ, I am deeply grateful, for all that you do for us!

                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            Access issues and forum moderation

                            I totally agree with you, Kate!


                              Access issues and forum moderation

                              Me too Kate
                              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                                Access issues and forum moderation

                                Kate, I agree
                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

