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Access issues and forum moderation

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    Access issues and forum moderation

    What the heck? WIP is gone? I need to read this whole thread. I'm getting worried. I'll be back.
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      Access issues and forum moderation

      I had TRUST issues when i started here and was TAUNTED by a small group.. so there!!!

      as far as wip is concerned she has taken calls from me, was pleasant and listened.. let me tell you all, finally i have established some safety here, at least i feel safe, I can identify a problem immediately.. that comes with net experience. you can see it automatically.. I never gang up or am a follower.. with that .. me as a friend is one you will have forever.. i can pick and choose who to go near and to STAY CLEAR FROM.. quality comes within .. i am nuts but i am a good nut most the time.. yes i can be a bitch... who isn't at times? Yank my chain and i'm gonna tug back!!! so there.. off to play. :thanks:


        Access issues and forum moderation

        I have always found RJ responsive to my concerns and fair minded. I am very grateful to this site and her even as I still struggle I have made some lifelong friends and that in itself is dear to me. As you know, I HATE naysayers and people who only mean harm. I always feel like a Pollyanna and think, why can't we all just get along? Mostly we do. Thank you all for being here. :l


          Access issues and forum moderation

          my sobriety was shaken..

          Right at 4 months some jerk .. posed as a man .. later she was banned accidentlly as she had so many IPS on here joined and immediately sent me a PM knocking my sobriety.. i knew right away where she was from. i contacted one member who remembers this.. this person i know for a fact does this emotional black mail, as she has done this to me before. talk about sick people to come to a sober forum and pull such. some know what this is about. i am no longer concnerned.. i just feel this needs to be shared. you wonder why people are the way they are at times.. :thanks: again.. better now.


            Access issues and forum moderation

            Walley.....I'm not stirring up the pot. I'm just expressing my concerns. In a Democratic Forum, people have a chance to express their feelings. I don't know, I quess it's cause I'm a US citizen, it's the way we think. ( I'm not trying to be sarcastic, just sincere.IAD )
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              Access issues and forum moderation

              Hi All,

              Okay, I've read this entire thread. I'm going to be very honest as I feel it's important to do so. I'm not posting this to be popular or anything of the like. Just my honest 2 cents worth (wait, we're in a recession...1 cent worth).

              First, I do not feel RJ is a guru and I do not worship her in any way. I think she is a wonderful businessperson who has written a brilliant book. I also feel she has developed an addiction recovery program which has surpassed any I have found in my own 25 years of research. Her book and program have helped me tremendously and I support her by recommending her products to others. I just did so just a few minutes ago to a newbie on this site. I will continue to do so because I strongly believe in the program and this site.

              Second, RJ has made a sound business decision and, as any business decision goes, there may be some bumps in the road at the beginning but I will wait to see how it turns out. She is very good at what she does. I will trust her to make the right decisions and adjustments during this time.

              Third, nothing is perfect, nor is any one person. I am not judgmental. I am an alcoholic who is doing the best that I can every day of my life. I will continue to support the businessperson and people on this site who have helped me in my journey. I will also continue to help others. I will only stop if I feel my freedom of speech, my basic first ammendment rights, have been violated.

              And I doubt very much that will happen here. But, time will tell.

              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                Access issues and forum moderation

                I'm sorry but I think everyone is over worrying about all of this. The forum is going to be better. More balanced.

                Wip is fine - she is a big girl and she will be back.

                People...just go back to what you were doing and all will be fine I am sure. If you screw up - you're gonna know in a swift way from the silent mafia and then you will move on from there if you have fingers left to type with so lets just be done with all of this for now. K?
                Gabby :flower:


                  Access issues and forum moderation

                  Yes let's just see how this goes and relax. I truly think it will be fine and we will carry on and if anyone is being disrepectul or attacking the moderator will take care of it. If you aren't doing any of those things you have nothing to worry about and it's business as usual.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Access issues and forum moderation

                    First amendment speech protection according to the US Constitution's Bill of Rights is a Citizen's protection against government censorship.
                    This is a private entity and no such freedom or protection exists. Site owners can lay down any ground rules they see fit (often referred to as a Terms of Service Agreement) and can exclude anyone, ie: "We reserve the right refuse service."

                    Just wanted to clarify that.
                    * * I love Determinator * *


                      Access issues and forum moderation

                      Sorry but I have only one word to say....HIERARCHY.

                      Beetle I love ya girl because as normal you spoke from the heart!

                      Bullshit to all your 'thank you's etc. Let's all hold hands across the world yeah? FUCK THAT. Guess these 'valued' members are all subscribers yeah?. Sorry but I've been a moderator on a site and boy Yeah it's hard to have a 'middle of the line approach but I was made moderator through a democratic approach. I feel we should vote for our moderators here too.

                      I'm not asking for MY friends to be nominated? DEMOCRACY?

                      Put it too the vote on an open forum for hos members that have been here long enough to make a decision? FAIR?

                      LETS WAIT AND SEE.
                      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                        Access issues and forum moderation

                        Might I also add someone who HAS the time as well!!!
                        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                          Access issues and forum moderation

                          I know I haven't been around here very long and I've only seen this whole moderation thing today but I really feel quite uncomfortable about the whole way this is being done. I can understand somewhat the need for moderation if things get out of hand but I do not think having existing members being the moderators is a very objective way to moderate.Is there merit in ex members, people who have moved on and are not currently drinking/moderating successfully to be invited back to do it. I am not that familar with many people but names like Satori, USAnne etc. immediately spring to mind. Personally, if I felt a current member was moderating threads I would not be that interested in remaining on, not that I would be missed as I do not post that often but I do not find it a healthy situation

                          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                            Access issues and forum moderation

                            Deter. Then what your saying is that this site is a Monarchy ! Their are no rights to any of the people here. This site would'nt last very long if that were the case. IAD.
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              Access issues and forum moderation

                              Monarchy is a form of government.
                              MWO has nothing to do with government.

                              * * I love Determinator * *


                                Access issues and forum moderation

                                With all due respect, I think people concerned about freedom of speech and "monarchy" are not expressing concerns technically about constitutional and government matters. Det you are correct about both, technically, but miss the posters' actual points and concerns -- wanting a place to feel free to express views without fear of repercussions, and to participate in a community where rules and "Big Brother" are not ram-rodded upon the participants.

                                From what I have read and followed here -- there will be no perfect solutions for all, or for imperfect issues and problems. It sounds like most are working their way through their personal concerns and are willing to see how things go.

                                I don't think it helps to simply tell people who believe and feel something is a big deal that it is not a big deal. It is to them, and they are expressing their views and concerns, even if technically using terms applicable to a different situation than a privately owned business message board.

                                For the most part I've been very impressed with the manner in which both those with concerns and those trying to assuage those concerns have expressed themselves with caring and concern for the community and each other.

                                It seems there has been a safety net in place all along, with RJ stepping in when she deems it appropriate. With the growth of the site, she has decided she cannot alone play that role going forward.

