Late check in today. Day 19 AF.
Drinking 7-UP and ice, with a nice big wedge of lime. I am trying to convince myself this is a wonderful replacement, positive affirmations and all. Considering my husband is in the other room watching hockey and drinking beer, I think I am doing far.
I rented two movies tonight, Diminished Capacity with Matthew Broderic and Alan Alda, and Red Corner with Richard Gere. Got some chips made some some pretzels, my pop, and why is it I feel like I am missing something by not being able to crack a beer?
I know I won't stop at 3 or 4. I will drink until passout. I DON"T want to do that.
I will feel hung over tomorrow, and I have to open the store, and work alone for 8 solid hours. I DON'T want to feel shitty at work.
7 out of 10 times when I drink in the last 5 years or so, I fight with my husband, basically blaming him for every shitty thing in my life, even if he isn't responsible for it all. (another post, won't delve into my relationship) I DON'T want to be a bitch tonight.
My kids are all staying at friends tonight. I would like a more romantic evening, but he is drinking beer watching hockey, so that isn't going to happen. But I DON'T want to drink, just because I am disappointed things didn't work out as I'd hoped.
HA...bugger you loser, cause even if I could, I DON'T WANT TO DRINK.