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Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

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    Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

    Morning starts, happiness is contagious and it's so nice coming here to see so many positive posts.

    It is so very cold and the ice is really worrying me. What happens if my car skids out of control. What do i do? I've been told not to break ... But thats easy said ... that would be my first reaction! Anyways i've gotta stop worrying about in and just take it slow.

    Enjoy your walk starts, wrap up warm xx


      Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

      ALoha Starts - hope your walk invigorating and serene at same time!! I love starting the day with a walk, the Tasman sea is about 1km from my home - man - that sure is an ocean with an attitude...I love it!
      Thanks for your kind words too - and yes, happiness and a simple smile ARE of the sayings I heard years ago that I try and adhere to is: " Encourage each other, and build each other up". When I am in active addiction, and detoxing/withdrawing I am often very cynical and negative - on the inside - but am aware that my whole 'fake nice' being towards others is 'fake' I am naturally kind ( mostly!) and it is awesome to have that feeling on the inside as well as the out! Makes for just one of many dam good reasons to maintain a healthy, rewarding sobriety. God, I hope I don't sound too 'saccharine'!!!! Believe me, I can be as smart/loud mouthed as the next boor!!! just grateful I am not today!!!
      Hope to see you back here before my bed time ay...
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

        HI Kap and everyone. I can't believe i've managed a week. When I think how dreadful i felt last weekend, it's such a difference now. and it's all thanks to you wonderful people. Thank you x


          Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

          Right i'm off to work now. Wish me luck! I'm dreading driving in and to make things worse my sister just told me she saw a car overturned yesterday due to ice. Going to be driving at 30mph all the way there.

          Hope everyone has a good day and night.

          Catch ya all later xxx


            Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

            Morning sweet, a week is really good. You should be proud of yourself hun xxx


              Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

              [B]***SWEET!!!!!!!************************YAY FOR YOU[/B]

              That is bloody fantastic!! A milestone! A victory! I am totally with you on that one!!!
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

                ...and the inevitable, I feel like I've been shot in the head and I've already thrown up whilst in the shower.

                Thanks to those who pm'd last night, will reply later.

                Got to get ready for church.
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

                  Damnation Vlads!! Get up and try again, soldier!
                  *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                    Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

                    Morning all!

                    Glad to hear everyone is well- except Vlad of course, nevermind Vlad- been there done that. I hope you feel better and get back on track.

                    Just popped in to say a quick Hello then off to walk Doggies and then the shop.

                    I am going to do some work with the tools on the SMART recovery site tonight- nice to see some faces from here over there! The toolbox is certainly very interesting.

                    Hope you all have a fantastic sober day!


                      Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

                      Soldier kap heading off duty for SUnday - have a great day everyone, look forward to catching up x
                      Blissful, nightmare free sleep a-callin.....
                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                        Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

                        Vlad! What happened??
                        Take care buddy and drink lots of water....

                        Sweets you are doing great and do you know what? It keeps on getting better! Well done!

                        Marbs I have just been for a walk, its beautiful, sunny and frosty...really gorgeous. Have a great day!

                        I am off to the beach in a bit. No swimming cos its minus 1 here at the mo. Dogs will go in i expect. But it will be lovely to see the waves, and be amongst the peaceful calming atmosphere of the ocean.
                        Cant wait!!
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

                          Sweet Dreams Kapo x
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

                            good morning all from a crisp frosty welsh morning. Computer doesn't work.yay! It turns on but you can't type properly on it so I can't put the password in. Oh well, I am a dingbat. Such is life. Can't reply to my pm at the mo, but will when I get on a proper keyboard. You know how I feel starts.
                            So can't reply to everyone as I would like but great to see the positive threads. Good to hear from you too vlad. Take care and speak later.
                            1 week tdy and like sweet to think of how I felt this time last week. Never want to go back.
                            Love ya all.
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

                              dare you starts!!
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                                Army thread Sunday 7 December 08

                                Mmmmm, going to look at what I typed last night...
                                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

