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Army Thread Monday December 8

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    Army Thread Monday December 8

    so do I then I could stay at home
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread Monday December 8

      Hey Bh. Missed ya belly!
      You raise a good point. Alot of t.v programmes and films show characters drinking heavily, often with bottle in hand, yet they are fine, dandy and raring to go next day, happy as larry. Very glorified and its no wonder there are so many of us. Used to do it with smoking, but they stopped all that and i think they should do the same with heavy boozing.
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Army Thread Monday December 8

        I am good thanks all!
        Looking forward to Xmas. Put the tree up yesterday. It looks great. I did it in red and gold. Xmas here is exactly the same as IRL/UK except its hot and we always have a swim in the sea on Xmas day. My eldest son is off the drink for xmas too (not before time too and after an embarrasing incident at his partners xmas party) so looks like a AL free xmas for this family which is the best Xmas pressie I could ever get.


          Army Thread Monday December 8

          Hey Cym
          Yes it was completely over the top AL wise. Totally romanticised. From the very beginning of the movie he was knocking the hard stuff back. It was so unnecessary as it doesnt add anything to the storyline.


            Army Thread Monday December 8

            Alcohol extremely glamorised in the Western World ay - what a bloody farce, even for non-alkies. The hangover exists for ALL excess drinkers - whether alkie or not...It's a FU**ING toxin and paint lifter, for shite's sake!

            BH - Great news re your son, that is a true Christmas gift for you and yours. Am really happy for ya
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              Army Thread Monday December 8

              Hey BH ... How ya been? Haven't spoken to you in what feels like ages!! Starting to get in the xmas spirit .... Great to read that you and your family are having an af xmas.


                Army Thread Monday December 8

                Sorry got booted off there!
                Wonder was it because I said shite? oh shite I said it again. Nah just kidding it was my connection.
                Hi Wishy and LTG - would love a proper cold xmas - just for the day though. Real snow at xmas would be sooo cool. I just love xmas - its so much fun and all about the kids and families getting together. I love buying presents for people. Not real expensive ones just little things.
                Hey Starts how is the training going or is the weather preventing it. Its pissing rain here today so I might have to skip my run and go for a swim or something instead.
                Btw starting you know today is the 9th of December here! Ring any bells?


                  Army Thread Monday December 8

                  Boozy, training is going .....well...ish... I have been walking loads and ran a bit on the beach on Saturday, but the paths have been frozen lately and I really dont want to slip.
                  9th December? Thats Donny Osmonds birthday isnt it?
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Army Thread Monday December 8

                    Ha ha.... your not get away with that one!


                      Army Thread Monday December 8

                      Was gonna keep that one a secret BH!
                      The one thing my bro cant get his head round is a warm Christmas.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Army Thread Monday December 8

                        I agree with you Corrie they always seem to be drinking all the time.


                          Army Thread Monday December 8

                          Thats cos its based around a feckin pub!
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread Monday December 8

                            oops sorry Cym but it is the 9th here so she can have 2 days celebration!
                            Are you baking a virtual cake for the celebration of Starting's 5 months?
                            BTW well done on day 8 saw you post on the AF thread. Good man keep it up.
                            Yep its hard to get used to a warm xmas but after 20 years here I am used to it now. It is still fun though.


                              Army Thread Monday December 8

                              Ha ha limers! Good one - always drinking in Coro!


                                Army Thread Monday December 8

                                BH, before NZ, where did you have Christmas?
                                LTG AF January 13, 2011

