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Reflections at 5 months sober

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    Reflections at 5 months sober

    A very dear friend said to me this morning that I should spend some time reflecting over the past few months. So here we go....
    5 months ago I was a very different person. I would never have admitted it then but now I can admit that I am a drug addict and an alcoholic albeit recovering.
    5 months or 154 days ago I was anxious, depressed (dangerously so) and at the end of my tether. I had already sought treatment for depression but had never mentioned my drinking or history of drugs even to my counsellor. Well only as much as to say I was maybe drinking a little more than normal but never mentioning what "normal" was to me.
    My final bender consisted of gin, wine, codeine and anti depressants. I was so ill I thought I was dying. I was convinced I had permenantly damaged my liver and I thought I was losing my mind. I could not go to work for a week and could keep nothing down for a couple of days. I was SO scared.
    During that week I knew I had to do something but I didnt know what. I sat at the PC, drinking wine (yes really) and wondering what on earth I was going to do. AA was never an option because in my mind I wasnt that bad ?! I had no idea that there was any other treatment or help available. I had been looking at a depression forum that mentioned MWO so I decided to check it out. It was the best thing I have EVER done in my life. All of a sudden, I was no longer alone. My habits, my feelings, my thoughts, others had them too!!! I couldnt believe it! I thought it was only me! Reading the posts calmed me in a way, I could see that people were living a life without alcohol and they were happy. Happiness was a feeling that I really thought was beyond me any more. Just soaking up the atmosphere from the site gave me the one thing I was lacking - hope.
    The next few weeks were not nice at all, I was withdrawing, feeling like I had flu, my liver seemed to be rebelling, I felt sick all the time and the anxiety was pretty incredible. But what kept me going was this site, the people, the support, the information and the understanding. During those first few weeks I got a copy of the book and some of the supplements. The supplements I chose were Kudzu and Lglutamine, I also kept a diary of how i was feeling day to day. The supplements really did help with the cravings. My anxiety was pretty bad though. At one point I tried a Bach Flower Remedy called Rescue. In that past it has always helped me, but this time it bought my cravings back ten fold for almost 2 days. The base of the remedy has brandy in it and even though you only take a few drops on your tongue it really brought back some nasty physical cravings. I think it probably took about 4 weeks for the anxiety to abate. By that time the physical cravings were very manageable. It was the mental and emotional thoughts and feelings that were the new battle. How was I supposed to live a life with no buzz, nothing to look forward to at the end of a hard day? How was I supposed to talk to people and heaven help me, socialise???? That was probably the most worrying time. Feeling like my life was never going to be the same, I was never going to be able to celebrate or mark special occasions with drink/drugs or both.
    Again, this site helped me work through that, by this time I had made some amazing friends who were going through the same thing or had been there. These were real people who I trusted to help me on my journey. It worked, I got through the twists and turns and bumps in the road, each time growing in confidence and strength and learning how to deal with my new life.
    During this time I have had some hard things to deal with that would have normally sent me straight to oblivion. My mum has been very ill with cancer over the past 2 years and has had some emergencies lately, I have also lost the job that i had for the last 13 years. What surprised me most is that these things havent floored me as they would have in the past, I am coping with them, just like a normal person would! It really is quite astounding to feel this way. My confidence in myself is growing, my self esteem is growing. I actually feel proud of myself. I am beginning to like last.
    So, what now? I am looking at this as just the beginning, the start of something new. I have the chance to build a new life for myself, one that is satisfying, healthy and REAL. I am a bit scared and very excited. I have no job, but I have a chance to do something else, I can re-train, I can study, the choices are endless and I feel blessed to have this opportunity to move forward. I would like to do something with my experiences of alcholism and drug addiction. It is early days yet and I have much work to do on myself, but I can see a future.A good one. I am SO grateful.
    Thank you to each and every one of you for your support and love over these months. I really couldn't have done it without you.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Reflections at 5 months sober

    Congratulations - fantastic job, you have so much to be proud of. Your are an inspiration, hopefully I will get there myself one day.

    Your reflections are very helpful, thanks for posting this. I'm over the early withdrawal but now I'm on to the mental and emotional bit - working out how to live a life with no buzz, particularly with Christmas coming up - it scares me, posts like this are really helpful - it's interesting to see how far you've come and your thoughts along the way. Just think, in a month you'll have 6 months and that will be truely awesome.

    Good luck for the future - you've much to be proud of and thank you for the support you've given to others here.


      Reflections at 5 months sober

      Starts, I am SO happy for you! This is a lovely post, very insightful, and something for you to hold onto and look back at in the future, I'm sure. Much of it resonates with my own experience.

      And, Sausage, Starts, isn't it amazing.... when we think of all we went through to get (or chase) that "buzz" ... why in the hell did we ever think it was so wonderful, or so important, that we put everything that's truly important to us, at risk? From where I sit today, I can hardly believe it...

      Good going Starts!


        Reflections at 5 months sober

        Thank you Starting, you have been an inspiration to me. Your posts always so upbeat and positive. It felt strange reading your post on how you were at the end of your rope, you seem to have it so together and it reinforces to me how BAD AL can have an effect on people. Turning them into not even liking themselves. I know that is how I was. I am now liking myself again and wondering...."what the hell was I thinking?" Best of luck to you on your new life. I'm sure good things are only yet to come.

        :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
        AF since 10/11/2008


          Reflections at 5 months sober

          Ah Starting...I love you so much hn and im so glad you are here,you are truly one of my dearset friends and Im so happy for you to have achieved this , you are an inspiration to us all.


            Reflections at 5 months sober

            Thank you for what you shared in your post, startingover.
            vegan zombies want your grains


              Reflections at 5 months sober

              Dear StartingOver,
              Your post is so inspiring. What an accomplishment! Congratulations and I wish you a lifetime of health and happiness. I hope one day I can say the same for myself.


                Reflections at 5 months sober

                Hi Starts, You have me crying here.
                It was really great to hear about the journey - really very inspiring & helpful to me so thankyou for that.
                I've always seen you as such a lovely, dignified woman - it's hard to believe it may not have always been that way (like all of us) You really are a new person.
                Thanks again,


                  Reflections at 5 months sober

                  Angelcakes;490880 wrote: Hi Starts, You have me crying here.
                  It was really great to hear about the journey - really very inspiring & helpful to me so thankyou for that.
                  I've always seen you as such a lovely, dignified woman - it's hard to believe it may not have always been that way (like all of us) You really are a new person.
                  Thanks again,
                  LOL I am glad I am not the only one you have made cry. But you have me crying again. What a lovely inspirational post.

                  One post like that blows all the negativeness we have had in the last few weeks away in a short puff...x


                    Reflections at 5 months sober

                    Many thanks for that starts. I also thank you for your love and support. I wouldnt be where i am today without you. Congratulations on 5 months. I hope you have the best Chrismas ever. Now put up that bloody tree!
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      Reflections at 5 months sober

                      Starting, thank you for sharing your journey. You have come a long way and provide a lot of encouragement to many here. Congrats to you!!!!
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Reflections at 5 months sober

                        Starts, what can i say .... you have been through so much and you did it hun ... 5 months on and still strong and positive and ready for the challenges ahead. A true inspiration to everyone here.

                        Love ya

                        Wishy xxx


                          Reflections at 5 months sober

                          That was a wonderful post, Start....

                          It's so great to hear the positive tone of your mind....a clear mind. I'm so happy for you......this is a great journey you are on. There will be ups and downs, but face every challenge knowing you are doing it sober......this is what matters at the end of the day.

                          Great Job!



                            Reflections at 5 months sober

                            Hey there Starts and huge hugs from me. Your post is nothing short of absolutely stunning - I relate to much of the drug-withdrawl. You sure are on your way, girl - and I love "connecting" with you here at MWO.

                            We recovering alcoholics and drug addicts are MIRACLES - END OF STORY!

                            Bless you totally X K
                            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                              Reflections at 5 months sober

                              congrats starting i do remember when you came here, or maybe not maybe you came b4 me, hahahha doesnt matter,haha i looked back, i was here 1st hahahaha,doesnt mtter you hav come a long way,i am so happy for you,id like to say it gets easier,for som i guess it does and for you i hope the struggles end, you had the double wamy,not no more,control,thts all it comes down to, gyco

