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ok i have done everything i could think of now ..now i made a web site to promote my business would love to hear what you think and if i need to add more to it .. thankx it would really help ..click on the rg home repair
R.G. HOME REPAIR |:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..Tags: None
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Hey Roger,
I just checked out your website -- good for you for trying to use the web to build up your business. I need to do the same, but have no web-building skills; I rely on hubby to do that for my business.
I have a lot of thoughts, but maybe should post them to you privately? I can edit for you (you know me, I am the spelling nazi -- but a helpful one always. ) I also think that a business website ought to be strictly business, and need not mention hobbies or children, unless they are connected with the busines.
But I also have some thoughts on bulleting/highlighting what you really want to present, and make that nice and clear.
My husband does tons of this for his work. I could run it by him if you would like.
I hope you don't take these thoughts in the wrong way. I want to help you, as you always want to help me.
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T...I was thinking the same thing when I looked at it...keep it professional. People tend to take advantage of you if they think you are NICE and by adding a PERSONAL touch like you did...you are nice. I think it is a GREAT way to promote your business. You have done some beautiful work.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
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Hi Mr T
im not a business woman, but what u did is very good work, :thumbs: but like cso4 on the hightlighting should be change i do find it hard to read the writing on my profile and the calendar. oh just wondering why do u have two calendars.
Take care
Teardrop.xfamily is everything to me
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I love the template you have chosen, it's very smooth and easy on the eyes - good pick! Under the About Me Section where you state Reliable and Hardworking maybe you could do: Wanted: Reliable, Trustworthy & Hardworking Handymany - then look no further...or something of that sort? Just a thought that popped in. Now is when we all try to change your site into ours - lol!
Great job though - also agree to highlight or bullet the services you provide.
Best of luck to you!:lYou, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha
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Hi T, I think it's great that you are working on promoting your business with a website. It is great that CS has offered to help you edit! As a business woman, I would agree to keep your website professional. Though personal photos and information are dear to us, they can be a turn off when one is looking for a professional that is offering their services.
You might want to research other websites offering services similar to the services that you offer.
Best of luck in promoting your business. Your work look wonderful!A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
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thank you all for all of your input and will use those idea .. still earning the thingy .. was up late working on it .. and might as well use my down time to keep busy and make it better in some ways ..
and CS i could use anyhelp .. AGAIN THANK YOU:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
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hi there, im a plasterer and renderer by trade. few things i would consider changing is, some of your pics. maybe limit it to first stage and final stage. no pics of you at the beach hehehehe, i have a CV with pics of houses that i have plastered and rendered, only original pics and the finnish product. seems to scare some non 'handy' people seeing the process.
im only young but ill aways remember what an old italian guy told me on a job, its nice to be truthful, but not expected to tell clients every detail. for example in your interests it says kicking back.
otherwise thats some really nice work your doing there and good luck
hope i didnt come across rude
an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do
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To make yourself more professional, I would add that your a Cabinet maker / Wood Smith. " Will create any wood working project that you have in mind ". I have a friend that's a cabinet maker/ Wood Smith that has all that on his business card. ( He has more work that you can shake a stick at. ) That's a thought......Business Cards ! IAD. ( Even my dumb ass had a business card at the Agency Ha! ) IAD.?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
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Congrats on the site! This is what I do for one of my businesses. Definitely take CS up on the offer for the editing. Also, customer testimonials are VERY important. I wouldn't leave that "private" part there. Get a few of your regulars to write a one word sentence for you with their name and maybe a title. Here's one we got with just a phone call and an email: ""We cannot say enough good things regarding service, quality of work and knowledge. Thanks!" - Jane Doe, Chamber of Commerce".
I would also add a lot to your about me page. It sounds like you have a lot of experience, brag, brag, brag!
If you have before and after photos, customers love those.
I like the left-hand menu, it clicks well and easily.
Great stuff, have fun with it!
Be"Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad
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Overall looks great.
Here's my $0.02
Pepper your phone number all over the place. Once people call you, they have a "committment" to you. Contact Me page should have a phone number HUGE so even blind people can dial it.
Don't brag (and you don't) and be humble (and you are) but at the same time, state what you are GOING to do. Don't spend time on the past being a roofer, but make a promise for the future: "What I love making my customers happy".
All business is a value equation. The customer feels their money is spent for good value. The worker feels the job paid good value for easy work. Keep the "value equation" in mind. The best job is where you make the most money for something easy, and the customer says "You did so good I want to hire you again".
please need feed back
thank you all.. still working on it and making thing alot larger and fancy and the next thing explaining all the photos.. that will be fun ..:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
please need feed back
Hi T,
I think it looks great. As a graphic artist by trade, I was wondering have you considered a logo? Just a thought, once you have one, you can carry it through to all forms of advertising. Vehicle lettering, invoices, business cards, brochures. It really helps for recognition.
Good luck
Ak:flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.