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Army Thread 10th December 2008

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    Army Thread 10th December 2008

    Morning Leeky. You get any shopping done?
    BH..Ive got a little girl, so ive got the family strife too!
    Candle lit here in Wales for fudge Starts. That sounds soooo painfull.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Army Thread 10th December 2008

      im going this morning to get a few santy pressies, hope I get them leaving it all a bit late!


        Army Thread 10th December 2008

        Yep you know it limers the whole zoo was gay! The teenager who was supposed to be helping me with the little ones spent the whole time trying to see his own "cool" reflection in any reflective surfaces he could find. At one point I found him looking right at me very intently until I realised he was actualy looking at his own reflection in my sunglasses. WTF!


          Army Thread 10th December 2008

          oops CY muchas apologias
          They are great really you know - says she trying to take her size 11's out of her big gob!


            Army Thread 10th December 2008

            ah god Bh, im in bits laughing here and my 15 yr old is looking at me thinking that feckin ole ones getting weirder and weirder!!


              Army Thread 10th December 2008

              Teenagers are sent to try us that's is for sure. The best revenge on teens is to embarrass them by acting all gansta when talking to their friends. Like saying to one of their friends "sup ma hommy G whats happening in the hood my man and then giving them the handshake. That soon gets rid of them!
              Anyway on that note am off to bed now peeps so have a great day and catch you on the flip side!


                Army Thread 10th December 2008

                Oh there you are Oney when are we getting the NY lowdown?
                BTW where's Marbella these days. Do you think she is secretly training and not telling us?


                  Army Thread 10th December 2008

                  Ugly feet image by peteandgrainne on Photobucket
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Army Thread 10th December 2008

                    You can do better than that! I had more news and I was only at the AZOO for a couple of hours (took years off my life mind)! What about the drinking - did you have any problems in that department or was is easy peasy?


                      Army Thread 10th December 2008

                      Yah good for you. Often the worry about these things far outweighs the reality. It is also quite liberating too as if you can do it there you can do it anywhere! NY NY NY! Oh god I really have to go to bed now I am even annoying myself. Nighty night.


                        Army Thread 10th December 2008

                        Thats great Oney. I would of found that such a huge temptation. You did really well. I dont think i could of gone there and not got wrecked! Did you see Madison Square Garden?
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          Army Thread 10th December 2008

                          Nos Da B/H.
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Army Thread 10th December 2008

                            Hi All!

                            Thanks for asking after me BH- I am just taking a bit of time out as I am very busy with the shop etc, and it is so easy to spend too long here! But I am doing a bit of lurking every now and then- training is coming on OK- I am actually have walked (fast) to the shop twice, that is 10 km so its the ideal distance for marathon training. After Xmas I will make a point of doing it 4 or 5 times a week, and start running parts of the way, until I can run it all! Just think of all that petrol money I will save.

                            So glad you had a fab time Oney- and glad my 'too knackered, too much else to do' prediction was correct! I know I was.
                            Did you get any pics? Or have you posted some already- I haven't been on much.
                            What did you think of the skyscrapers? I went up the Empire State Building and I have vertigo LOL.

                            BH laughing at your teens- my friend has 3- she visits here every year in August- they were the most lovely friendly kids you have ever met, now they are teens thery wont even talk to you! WTF is that all about??

                            Starts- I have said a prayer for Fudge- all will be well!


                              Army Thread 10th December 2008

                              You have found a cure oney! All us alcoholics have to move to NY, and go shopping all day in high heels! YAY!
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                                Army Thread 10th December 2008

                                Hi Cy!

                                Big congrats on your double figures!

