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Army Thread 10th December 2008

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    Army Thread 10th December 2008

    Hi there Marbs. great to hear from you. Hows the shop doing? Hope its going well. How are you feeling in yourself? I hope your happy Marbs, cause your great, and ive missed you being here.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Army Thread 10th December 2008

      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Army Thread 10th December 2008

        I went to the top of the twin towers when i was there and a helicopter flew below where i was standing!!
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Army Thread 10th December 2008

          Hate to sound negative, but every time i think of new york i feel sad, cause of the twin towers. Its sort of become the one thing i remember about going.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Army Thread 10th December 2008

            LOL I just read about catching up!

            I am good Cy, the shop has picked up- I am very aware most small businesses fold in the first year, and we don't have back up funds for more than a few bad months, but it is doing pretty good so far this month.

            I have to get a website done this month with our product list and prices then in Jan we will do some more paid advertising- as we do have things nobody else has round here (Tesco Products)

            Anyway all is good- I have to worksheets to work through from a therapist, and i am very excited about that- I not been drunk for quite a number of weeks now- I have had the odd drink, so not AF but to be honest once I take a few sips, I think what the hell am I doing? It doesn't even taste good anymore!

            I am confident when I finish the worksheets (7 weeks) I will have it beaten!


              Army Thread 10th December 2008

              Great to hear you sounding so positive marbs.
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                Army Thread 10th December 2008

                So what were the clothes prices like oney?
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  Army Thread 10th December 2008

                  Good morning everyone and hope all are well
                  It is freezing here at the minute and seems to be getting worse every day, unusually bad for this time of the year and makes me dread what January and February are going to bring!.
                  Doing ok today although I think I may have spent a bit too much yesterday. I was meant to be meeting my boss tomorrow for a final meeting before Christmas (and get paid) but she has just postponed it to Wednesday of next week - crap, oh well, just have to tighten the belt until then. At least I'll have no money to even contemplate going out and buying wine.
                  Really have to go and do some work now, I only get three hours while my son is at playschool and one of those is gone already!
                  BH - sorry but still laughing at the zoo experience, what gets me is that it always seems to be a great idea at the time but just ends up being dead stressful and costing a fortune!
                  Talk later

                  There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                    Army Thread 10th December 2008

                    ill p.m you about it now.
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      Army Thread 10th December 2008

                      Morning Bandy. You and me both on the money front. had to borrow 30p(!!!!) of Wishys sister this morning to buy a paper!!!
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Army Thread 10th December 2008

                        Morning all, I've had a busy morning. Just taken the baby to see all the people i work with. Was nice for them all to see how much she has grown in the last 10 months. Spending the rest of the day with the baby, think we are going to take her to the park.

                        How is everyone today?

                        Starts ... I'm saying a prayer for you and fudge xx


                          Army Thread 10th December 2008

                          Hi again,
                          Quick check in from me before the school runs - hi wish - and Starts, just saw your post about fudge, will say a prayer too
                          Can relate on the money front Cymru. To make matters worse, on the pet front I just found out a few days ago that the two female rabbits we got are in actual fact male and if I don't get them neutered they will probably kill each other when they get older. Just checked with the vets - feckin 180 euro to get the two of them castrated - but the kids love them so what else can I do - my husband has suggested a few things but nothing that could be repeated. It will probably have to wait until January at this stage as I'm defo broke at this stage

                          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                            Army Thread 10th December 2008

                            I just cleaned out erins rabbit hutch. Oh, what fun! But we'll of had her 3 years this crimbo, and she has become part of the family!
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Army Thread 10th December 2008

                              Good morning all, saying a prayer for fudge. Bandit I don't think the pet stores no the difference between male and female rabbits. When we bought ours I told them I wanted two females, they assured me they were, well it wasn't long my daughter came in the house screaming that there was something in the rabbits cage, that something was a baby and of course we found more in the back of the cage. So anyway now we have three rabbits, gave the rest back to the store.

                              Have a great one everyone!



                                Army Thread 10th December 2008

                                You never know bandy, they could be gay. They might make the perfect couple!
                                Hey two, hope your well.
                                To Infinity And Beyond!!

