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Army Thread 10th December 2008

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    Army Thread 10th December 2008

    Good morning troopers,

    And a freezing, dark morning it is here!
    All is good though, almost beginning to feel a bit Christmassy.....but I will hold myself back for a while longer.:H

    Mums dog Fudge who is living with us now is having an operation today, she has cracked a tooth and got an abscess just under her eye...
    Can you please say a prayer for her? Ops are always a bit worrying. I am sure she'll be fine but prayers always seem to help things go a little smoother.

    Thanks guys.
    have a wonderful, sober and peaceful day today..

    Love starts xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 10th December 2008

    Morning all, hope all goes well for fudge x


      Army Thread 10th December 2008

      Morning Starts- consider prayers said! hiya sweet - great to see you, Wednesday drawing to a close down here, been a lovely warm and sunny day.... getting through my PMS clean and sober and without criminal charges so far.....
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        Army Thread 10th December 2008

        Hi all
        Starts I would say a prayer for your dog but not been a god fearin person myself that could be asking for trouble so I will just say my thoughts are with you and fudge. Had a busy day today took 3kids to the zoo - and none of them my children - what was I thinking. Two nieces and the daughter of my son! Also took my 14 year old teenager to help (that cost me)! He just kept saying all the animals were gay - some of them clearly were from the goings on but certainly not all of them. Anyways I have never know stress like it my life I would willingly have thrown them all to the lions and spent the rest of my life in jail (in peace and quiet)! Never again I tell you. And I have to be honest I had strong thoughts of pouring a bottle of wine down my neck as we were stuck in a traffic jam on the way with them all arguing with each other and the 14 yr with the music blaring. God help me I thought my head would explode! When I gave them back to their parents I was like oh yes we had a lovely time didnt we girls! The teen was scowling at me mouthing you know we didnt have a good time they were brats!. Now I fully understand why there are so many mothers of small children on MWO!


          Army Thread 10th December 2008

          Dear Boozey!!! LOL - Have contemplated deliberate crime myself for the sanity of a lone jail cell, versus the insanity of coping with many kidlets!!! Take a bow, darl...and the zoo, well...thing is, mate you got through and without the false "reward" of a drink. We have teenagers starting to roll in on a regular basis, HOLIDAYS are here, and may the ticking clock speed up. Also, the "daughter of your son" lol - my son came home this afternoon with his girl and her nephew (Declan - gorgeous wee fiesty 2yr old redhead), and it was a SCARY picture - the three of them - I tell you! I have not had a two year old in my house for quite some time, and I had to deep breathe a lot, whilse moving objects constantly to higher ground...he WAS cute though. But the g/f of my son was loving the pram thing and the babysitting thing in general just a TOUCH too much for my comfort......
          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            Army Thread 10th December 2008

            Hi Kapo, hope you're well? I can totally relate to the pms problem, I suffer terribly and i'm convinced that its my inability to cope with things at that time of the month that leads to my binges xx


              Army Thread 10th December 2008

              Hiya Sweet - and you would be dead right too. As soon as I have ANY emotional discomfort (historically) OUT has come the bottle, and WHAMMO! That one "medicinal, calming" drink has turned into a fiasco worthy of a Slipknot mosh-pit! Coping with Life on Life's terms today is a challenge. It is a challenge I am rising to today, however, AND with confidence and spirit!! Bring it on, addiction, I say, I'll not stove in. I have a ODAT resolve, and it is working!! How's your dear self, sweets?
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Army Thread 10th December 2008

                Hi O2M!! Good to see ya, wish I had your chrissy resolve. I have bought one pres so far - for my dad as I am heading over to visit him this weekend and he is rich................(that IS bad ay)
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  Army Thread 10th December 2008

                  Hi Sweets and Kaps
                  I dont get PMS just have mad cow disease the whole month!


                    Army Thread 10th December 2008

                    Posting on here really helps. i'm just taking it as it comes and not looking too far ahead. It doesn't help that all the xmas tv ad's seem to be about booze though! x


                      Army Thread 10th December 2008

                      hey Oney
                      Good to see you. Have you recovered from the financial haemorrage in NY? Speaking of money I have just had a terrible realisation. I was so stressed out about the whinging evil people in the back of the car and after the zoo escapades I could face the prospect of getting them all out of the car and into the supermarket and then back out again that I sent son into the supermarket to get his stuff for his trip away with my CREDIT CARD and PIN number! He is gone now and I forgot to get the shagging thing back and god know what he will do with it. The minibar, porn movies, drugs - well thats what I would do!. DEAR GOD I WILL NEVER TAKE ANYONE ELSES KIDS ANYWHERE AGAIN!


                        Army Thread 10th December 2008

                        Good morning all.
                        CANCEL THAT CARD!! I would be going mental with it!!!
                        Not got much planned for tdy. Pretty chilled. It is soooo cold, but bright, so may go for a walk.
                        Into double figures tdy which is great. Had a few urges yesterday, but im not worried about them.
                        Cymru + wine= death. Cymru+positive thoughts and actions=life. easy choice.
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          Army Thread 10th December 2008

                          hey Cym
                          Double figures woo hoo. Good on you. I had a few urges meself today as you will see from the above so whatever you do dont have kids as they will drive you to the drink. Then it could be Cymru + Kids = Wine = death. Mind you I was praying for death earlier when I was stuck in the traffic jam with the little bollixes. Would have been a blessed release.


                            Army Thread 10th December 2008

                            Bedtime for soldier kapone. Happy day all northerners. Cy - keep walking the good walk mate. Say hi to Shiela for me. And to wishy too!

                            Blessings one and all - catch up on y'all on da morrow!

                            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                              Army Thread 10th December 2008

                              boozehag;491323 wrote: Hi all
                              Starts I would say a prayer for your dog but not been a god fearin person myself that could be asking for trouble so I will just say my thoughts are with you and fudge. Had a busy day today took 3kids to the zoo - and none of them my children - what was I thinking. Two nieces and the daughter of my son! Also took my 14 year old teenager to help (that cost me)! He just kept saying all the animals were gay - some of them clearly were from the goings on but certainly not all of them. Anyways I have never know stress like it my life I would willingly have thrown them all to the lions and spent the rest of my life in jail (in peace and quiet)! Never again I tell you. And I have to be honest I had strong thoughts of pouring a bottle of wine down my neck as we were stuck in a traffic jam on the way with them all arguing with each other and the 14 yr with the music blaring. God help me I thought my head would explode! When I gave them back to their parents I was like oh yes we had a lovely time didnt we girls! The teen was scowling at me mouthing you know we didnt have a good time they were brats!. Now I fully understand why there are so many mothers of small children on MWO!
                              Ah God BH, that is the funniest thing ever!! Everythings gay here in this house to with my 15 yr old and after the last 'family day out' we had my 10 yr old declared...'family day out..? more like nightmare day out!'. Kids eh, id rather eat my own eyeballs than have another one! Sorry!!

