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Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

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    Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

    Greetings!! 6.15pm here, Thursday, so Good morning Brits/and Good very early morning/still night USAers...(I have world time on my mobile phone - it helps)

    I have had a busy day and I am tired, all would be very good except the local volunteer firebrigade are doing some goddam street collecting using their sirens. That is ok - I am pretty tolerant, but it has been going on and on and on and on and on for an hour and a half now - I VERY NEARLY went out and spat the dummy. So I thought I would jump on here and start the thread, and try and "lose myself" for a bit....shite - it's FUC*ING ridiculous - I am like REALLY wound up!! The sirens are ceaselessly going - HONEST it is bloody awful.......


    Oh K - I need to post some gratitude QUICKLY!

    Have my own home
    2 gorgeous boys at home and one darling daughter who WILL come back in good time...


    I AM Clean and sober ( bloody miracle right now!)
    Have awesome friends
    Have you guys and this awesome site
    A pretty cool dad ( he rides a 1340 harley, going to see him this weekend)
    3 or 4 nice wee jobs
    A sexy man (albeit and incarcerated one)
    am fit in health

    HEY - It's passing!!! (MY intolerance!!)

    Yay - well all - a good morning to you and looking forward to catching up when you have risen and shone!

    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

    Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

    p.s - just being able to post the above was an awesome outlet! Yay for MWO !!
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

      Oh Kapo! You so make me smile hun! Even at this ungodly hour!
      Yep, tolerance is not my strong point either...i think it maybe an alkie trait?
      Great idea doing a gratitude list. I will have to remember that one.

      Fudge is feeling brighter this morning, she was falling off the bed last night.
      So all is well here.
      Its Thursday, so only 2 more days at the hell hole )

      Have a great day everyone!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

        Morning all, glad fudge is doing ok x


          Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

          Hiya Starty and Sweets - really glad starts, that fudgey doing ok - the power of prayer and love and nurture! Always sad to hear about other peoples hatred of their workplace...what do you do for a job, Starts - I am assuming that your Hell Hole is your place of employment?!

          Sweets - how goes the battle, mate? Hope it is not TOOOO much of a battle, and you experiencing true serenity in your sobriety!

          Well am not long home from AA meeting, where I shared about my total near breakdown at the voluntary emergency service bloody racket earlier - and WOULDN'T YA KNOW - A bloody siren started up, everyone cracked up laughing, but this time I think it was a real emergency, sad news, but glad to be able to share these stupid idosynchracies and be understood!

          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

            HI Kapo, i'm doing ok. Sleeping much better and just trying to keep myself busy. How are you? x


              Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

              Am at peace now, sweets!! It is dusk now, my boys not long home from and evening skating (board) - it is daylight's saving here, so still a bit light at 9.10pm. Looking forward to my bed before too long - grateful to be clean and sober and handling life's "situations" (for want of a WORSE word lol). All is well.
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

                Good morning/evening globe trotting trooper's! Hello Sweetgum, Kapo, and all the beautiful people to come.
                Kapo. Your post about those sirens was very funny!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

                  ahoy there gat man!! How are you? Believe me, it was NOT funny at the time -it was totally INSANITY-making! Great to see you....
                  *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                    Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

                    Morning all from an icey cold wales ..... It feels so christmassy looking out at the ice. Got up early this morning and just on my first coffee. Going into town today to see about doing somemore xmas shopping. Need to make a list first so i know how much i can spend.

                    Kapo .... Good job on staying tolerate during the firebrigade street collecting ...... That would have driven me mad!!

                    Starts .... So glad fudge is feeling better. Hope you have a good day in work.

                    Morning to Sweets and Mr G, how are you both?

                    Wish xx


                      Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

                      Morning all. Hope everyone is well.
                      Another cold morning here in Wales. Everything is frozen, including the bath bubbles i put outside yest to see if they would freeze! Looks like snow on the bird bath!
                      ull Is this you Kap!?
                      Morning starts. Have a peacfull day.
                      Mr G. How ya doin? Can you try and convince Wish to buy me the Dean Dimebag series guitar from town. Its only ?900!
                      Have a great day all.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

                        Hi there, dear Wish - all best with the shopping....I have only bought one pressy so far ( good thing is, I am ok with that - if I bought the yummies I like to give people tooooo early, they'd be gone - via my gob - and only have to be replaced!) Am going to start with the nieces and nephews wee gifts tomorrow. Looking forward to it....GOD, I love ANY sort of shopping, even supermarket. How SAD is that! Great to see you, wishy x
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

                          Not QUITE, cy, I would have been pulling out THEIR hair - acutally I texted my AA mate who lives only two blocks up and asked him if he would be interested in a spot of throat-cutting - he and his lady have a 18 month old, and they were pretty pissed off too!
                          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                            Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

                            The bath bubbles sound groovy cy - hey you legs 11 today ay?!!!!! Good one mate!
                            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                              Army Thread Thursday Dec 11

                              Your not alone with the shopping thing kapo ... i'm the same .... Love it when i get home and get to look through everything i've bought. We can be SAD together!! LOL

