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Leaving for a while

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    Leaving for a while

    sorry for him he has to find out what works


      Leaving for a while

      if u ever want to chat im here for both of u


        Leaving for a while

        Waiting, sorry to hear that you'll be leaving for a while. I hope you have a really good Christmas and New Year.

        Take care and if you ever need to talk you know where I am.


        Wish xx


          Leaving for a while

          You are a wonderful woman for doing your utmost to support your husband.........never ever forget that. Us alcoholics are not the easiest of people to even tolerate sometimes, let alone love.

          I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to your return.

          Star x
          Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


            Leaving for a while

            hope yur day is going better i no its not after one has drank ,you will pc it together,if not youll both find another way good luck to you both


              Leaving for a while

              I know what you mean. It sounds like you are in a very good place, actually. Where you are seeing yourself and not as much him, and it is a scary place because the distraction is less...(am I making sense) I have been there.
              I encourage you to keep posting and working thru your feelings.


                Leaving for a while


                I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and find some peace within yourself. I found peace when I stopped trying to fix my husband and focused on me. Now he's going to counseling and is finally beginning to act like a grown up. Go figure.

                Take care,
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Leaving for a while


                  Waiting I have not gone back to see who/why/what upset you but I am echoing what others have said -- don't leave because of it!

                  I personally love your posts, and have found your take on things has opened up my eyes to how difficult and hurtfull my behaviour must've been for my family. And I think that you are going thru a really difficult time now and we'd like to be there for you.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Leaving for a while

                    Waiting .. do not focus on negative words.. usually an attacker is the one who should doo wot they are saying.. leaving only gives them more control over you. i would stick around, ignore the bugger and post away. Be strong, walking away solves nothing.. emotionally you will become fearless. :l:l:l


                      Leaving for a while

                      Gyco, you hurt my feelings with one of your posts directed to me. But, I have to believe it came from a different Gyco. On the lighter side... I don't even have a horse I will come back rested, resolved and stronger.


                        Leaving for a while

                        hello everyone ,im new . i do not drink or do drugs but i feel i have a problem anyway. i have been married to the same man for 25 years. he used to drink alot everyday but eight years ago he quit. our life was great ,but he has a lot of health problems and in february 2008 the doctors removed him from work due to his health. since march of 2008 he has stated to drink again and when he drinks he doesnt know when to stop which the results into going to the er . i have talked, fussed threatened and anything else i could think of to get him to stop. i know he is having a tough time but his drinking is killing me and our children. he stopped drinking on december 4 2008 for the 5th time simce march of 2008. i find myself not trusting him at anything he says. then on december 26 2008 he bought a 6 pack and drank it all,we did not have to go to the er but it just upset me so bad that i dont know what to do anymore. on december 29 2008 he called a -1-800 number and has an appointment to try again on monday january 5 2009. i need some advice what can i do ,i think i need help to . i want to believe him but i just cant and its making my life horrible.i love him alot and dont want this to destroy our home, i hope someone here can give me some advice ...thanks


                          Leaving for a while

                          There is much help for both of you here on this site.
                          Does he want to stop drinking??
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            Leaving for a while

                            Happy Trails.......Waiting ! You know where we are when you need us ! LOL IAD.
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss

