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Army Thread 12th December 2008

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    Army Thread 12th December 2008

    Good Morning all!

    And a very happy Friday to you!
    Personally I am delighted the weekend is here at last, it feels like its been a long week at work with not alot to do any longer. Luckily my boss has clarified what she wants me to do before I leave so today I can get going on it. I am hoping that they will let me go next week. It might be a pipe dream because they seem to dislike the fact that someone is so happy about being made redundant but fingers crossed they will agree...

    Have a wonderful day everyone and I'll see ya later !
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 12th December 2008

    you gave allot of good advice to Ghostman today. I appreciated your suggestions to learn to take care of yourself. My history is different than his in that I didn't drink until my late 30's and now in my 50's am fighting it. This site, and posts like yours helps


      Army Thread 12th December 2008

      Morning all, hope everyone is well x


        Army Thread 12th December 2008

        Aloha sweets, starty and sp....

        Starts - may you get your redundancy wish, without complication or conflict...
        Sweets - great to see you
        Sp - welcome!!

        Nearing the end of Friday here, and I am not long home from AA - topic being "Unity" which is what we have here, too!

        I am gearing up for my Christmas family and prison weekend! Leaving early tomorrow (7.30am) to be there lunchtime-ish. I will spend the whole of the rest of Sat with my dad and my late mum's mum (my darling grandmother) and then on Sunday it is prison bbq time (yeeeeeeehaw) Cripes, I fecking hate going into that place - it's creepy. But it will be awesome to have, like, FIVE whole hours with Vea.. God, may we never take each other for granted after this stint!

        Hope everyone gearing up for the end of the week and a great AF fun weekend.

        O2M, when you get up - thanks heaps for the post on Inner Peace. I have printed it. It is beautiful.

        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Army Thread 12th December 2008

          morning all, I'm in work still suffering with a headache. Cy keeps telling me to go to the doc. Will have to be next week now as I'm working all weekend. More Xmas shopping on the cards today! Yay! Think after today my shopping will be done! Yippee!

          Starts .... Hope you have a good day and happy Friday to you too x

          Kapo .... Sounds like a busy fun packed weekend for you. BBQ sounds great, I wish they had things like that over here for my bro in law. My sister would love that.

          Morning to sweets and spanky.... How are you both today?


            Army Thread 12th December 2008

            Hi Wishy - I reckon these headaches may be going on a bit too long not to do something - have you seen doc about them? Just sounds awful, especially if you haven't had a "night before" to justify it! Thinking of you
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              Army Thread 12th December 2008

              How long has your brother-in-law got to go, Wish - and does your sis get to see him very often? It is very hard, I think the hardest thing for me at the moment, and strange as it may sound, is that i am sorta getting used to it, ay, and I don't really think that's good? Sounds a bit weird, but do you sorta see where I am coming from?
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Army Thread 12th December 2008

                Bless you, Oney - you are a gem. The inspiration and feeling of peace I feel when reading your (now printed out) post, is immaculate! Am aheaded for bed now, it is 10.40 pm, so it is 10/4!! Over and out. Happy Friday and weekend, all
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  Army Thread 12th December 2008

                  P.S One - got some shopping to take to family done today too- and - yes!! A great feeling of accomplishment....yay for us ....
                  *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                    Army Thread 12th December 2008

                    Good morning/evening all.
                    Got to go to the dentists in an hour for a filling and not looking forward to it atall. Would rather watch the last 12 episodes of corra norra, and thats saying something! really dont like the dentist!
                    I hope evryone has a great day today.
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      Army Thread 12th December 2008

                      my bro in law is out mid jan so not long left. My sister gets to see him once a week which is good for her and the baby.

                      Morning oney ..... Will go to the doc next week I promise.


                        Army Thread 12th December 2008

                        I know what you mean kapo about the getting used to it thing. Think my sister will find it strange when he gets out as it's just been her and the baby since may. Think he will also find it strange mind you as he hasn't been there to see the baby grow and doesn't know her ways.


                          Army Thread 12th December 2008

                          Kap...When i split with Erins mum, i spent 5 years by myself. No girlfriend, just me, and i was married to work, which at the time was fine by me. But i became so used to living by myself, it was a long transitin for me when i started seeing wish. I still need my own space. and i think this has alot to do with living by myself for so long.
                          Oney...check out the last post on last nights thread. I found that restaurant that rubes was talking about. Think we should pack our bags and take a plane to sunny florida. I could work there!!
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Army Thread 12th December 2008

                            Hi to all - Starting, Spanky, Sweetgum, Kap, Wish, One2, Cym-hope I haven'tmissed anyone
                            Blimey One, how many people do you have to buy for??
                            Starts- can relate to the work thing, my current contract ends on Dec. 17th and I have a pain in the tits report that has to be in no later than Monday so I will spend most of this weekend having to work on it but I don't care as then I will be finished and rid of the shagging thing. End meeting next Wednesday, get paid and then I can feck off. We are meant to be re negotiating a new contract but personally not sure if I want to, no other work lined up though so money may force me to do it but we'll see. At least I am not obliged to them beyond the 17th..
                            Cym-good luck with the dentist,
                            Better get on with this yoke, happy friday to everyone!!
                            Had a look at that place too Cy- maybe we could all just travel around the world visiting each other, would't that just be the business

                            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                              Army Thread 12th December 2008

                              Morning Bandy. Hope all is well.
                              Im off to the dentist.
                              Goodbye my friends. Its been lovely knowing you all. My will is with my soliciter!
                              take care.
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

