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Hi...i have a question

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    Hi...i have a question

    Now please don't shout at me..!! But do the supplements really work? I mean the kudzu, l-glut, gaba etc... I am definately very slow because since coming here....Feb 07...I have never used anything to aid my fight with alcohol cravings. I usually climb the walls, get extremely agitated with whoever i am with and then...I give in. If I do take the supps...and then drink, will I be ill? It is incredibly stupid of me thinking that I am winning here without any help from maybe I should buy them. I thought I was strong enough but I'm not.....just dumb.

    I woke early this morning, fresh from only having 1 drink last-night..(..big grin..patting my own back..! ) ..but proceeded to think about whether to buy drink for tonight. We usually go to the pub for a few on fridays but i have taken to buying drink and having it quietly before we go out....consequently, I am well oiled and maintaining a nice buzz by the time I see my friends.....but that leads me to wanting more and more and.......say no more on that! Perhaps if i take the supps....I will not want to overdo it.....?

    Can anyone help me on this one. Thanks in advance.

    Bella XXXXXX

    Hi...i have a question

    My view on the supps is that they work hand in hand with someone who wants to quit. I have taken campral for about 4-5 months, and i thought they werent working when i was drinking cause they didnt stop me craving wine. Now that i have decided that i dont want to drink anymore, they are a great help at keeping the cravings away. But i think the 2 have to go hand in hand. You cant take them wanting booze, hoping it will stop the cravings, especially if youve drunk, cause it wont, but if your genuine about quitting and want help with the mental cravings then they are a form of chemical support.
    All the best Bella.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Hi...i have a question

      Thats helpful.thanks Cyms....XXXX


        Hi...i have a question

        Hi Bella,

        I am new here and only 2 days sober so I am not sure I should be commenting. However.

        I started using Antibuse yesterday. It's a very effective drug as you are no longer able to tolerate alcohol at all. The minute you have any alcohol you get sick as a dog.

        For me I believe it works and will work because it keeps my mind off the reasons why I could actually have a drink but rather there not even being an option.

        But you can definately not drink on it at all.
        AF since 15th March 2010

        The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


          Hi...i have a question

          Hi Johnnyh.....Wellcome to mwo. Well done you for being strong and taking the bull by the horns!! I'm not quite ready to take any strong med...just wondering about supps...but thanks for yr imput...greatly appreciated


            Hi...i have a question

            Bella, yes the supps DO work. In my expereience they are the key to my successes and also to my failures.

            A good supp programmme, along with nutritional and regular eating, will decreas your urges incredibly. Concommitantly, if you neglect your supps and your nutrition, you find yourself getting cravings. The cravings and that lack of strength th go against them come from the body adjusting itself when it is out of balance. It is lacking something, so it craves something to replace what it is lacking. This is both scentifically proven and for me, it has been proven many times personally. Basically, quitting and staying quit is much easier when I am taking my supps regularly. If I stop, I almost always start drinking again within a few days.

            SO I suggest you get yourself on a hefty extensive supplemental program (extra lots of Bs, Cs, Cal-Mag, aminos, enzymes, and omegas). I use my own tailor-made version of the Seven Weeks to Sobriety Programmed (with some added supps from MWO, like True Calm, Kudzu, and GABA). It all works together to make my body balanced, eliminating many of the physical cravings, leaving me just my messed-up mind to deal with. (And even that-- the brain -- is help very much by the supps.)
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Hi...i have a question

              Thankyou Beatle. XXX


                Hi...i have a question

                Yes Bella, I found Sups to be an important part of my ability to have several months AF.
                I joined MWO 1 yr. ago and for the first 6 months I took sups (off/on) and followed the program in a SLOPPY WAY.Then the second 6 months I got real with myself and really READ the program and followed it to the letter.In the last 6 months I have only had 3 slips. They were short and good learning lessons so I am even GRATEFUL for them.
                I know I couldn't do that without the sups. I also add LIV52 and liquid Chlorophyll for rebuilding blood and liver function.
                It has been an amazing year and now I will never have to go back to that PRISON that AL had me in.
                The cost of sups is very minor compared to the wonderful freedom of being AF.
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Hi...i have a question

                  Bella, The supps do help enourmously.......but they are a "Tool",to be used along with a firm resolve and comittment along with a plan, of exercise, healthy eating and extreme self scrutiny. There is no easy way out. Learning to live without alcohol is hard work, but the rewards are amazing!

                  Good Luck!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Hi...i have a question

                    I have found that the Kudzu really works for me. Haven't tried any of the other supps, so can't help you there, but I have noticed a considerable decrease in desire to drink, and the speed at which I drink - sip vs gulp, when I take the Kudzu - with no bad side effects from the Kudzu!


                      Hi...i have a question

                      Well, you know my answer to your question.... YES, YES, YES!!!
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Hi...i have a question


                        In a word, YES! LOL

                        I especially find the All One powder helpful as well as Kudzu an L-Tryptophan. Wouldn't be here without my supps and determination.

                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          Hi...i have a question

                          Bella;493125 wrote: If I do take the supps...and then drink, will I be ill?
                          No, you won't be ill. Supps are all natural. But I agree with the others, they won't help unless you really want to quit. That's what happened to me. I took them hoping but was not really ready,so they didn't work. But they did help decrease the amount I drank. Some of the supps are for healing like milk thistle, they are always a good idea.

                          Good luck to you
                          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                            Hi...i have a question

                            These replies are very helpful to me. But i NEED A KICK UP THE ARSE......ideally all the way over the hill!!!!! I need to find some courage and just go for it. I guess i need to stop this stupid denial thing. Ahh well, thats something i have to work on. thanks again. Bella XXX


                              Hi...i have a question

                              Bella, get your arse in gear and get a plan and start working on it! If I have to stop this car young lady you're going to be in big trouble! Now let's get on with the show, woman! oke:

                              Love, :h
                              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

