The first 6 months I just dabbled in the program.I would read on the site but not post much. I would take some sups and listen to the Cd's on occasion and would have a week or so AF then back to the bottle.
Then in May, my (second 6 months) I reached out to the wonderful people on this site and started doing what the program says to do.That's when magic started to happen. Since I started (really following the program) I have only had 3 slips.They were relatively short and I am even Grateful for those. They were truly learning experiences that I needed.
I am so looking forward to the next year.I am excited by life again and I am starting to remember WHO I TRULY AM and I genuinely LOVE that person.
If you are wondering if MWO works, I say YES, YES, YES !!!! It sure is working for me.It can work for you too.