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What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

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    What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

    Hey folks,
    I've been stressing out about Christmas, and I wonder if anyone can offer advice. I have three little boys. They have each written a letter to Santa asking for a Nintendo Wii . I have already spent about $150.00 per child on gifts, and the Wii is about $250, not including any games or special accessories...To outfit them would be at least $350. I don't mean to sound pathetic, but we can't afford to do that, unless we further increase our already too large credit card debt. My husband and I both have good jobs, but life has become so expensive...We can't seem to keep up.

    What has happened to Christmas? Why am I wracked with guilt because all of my kids friends have multiple video game systems, large flat screen TVs and little portable nintendos to carry with them wherever they go? This is a community of wise people, and I need some words of wisdom. Should we increase our debt to get the Wii? If Santa doesn't bring something they ask for, how do kids understand that? Will I be crushing their little hopes and dreams of the perfect Christmas if I don't buy it? Or can I find a way to teach them that this is not what Christmas is all about? Any thoughts would be so welcome. Sara
    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

    What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

    how old are your boys?
    Keeps x:happyheart:


      What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

      Teach your kids the true meaning of Christmas..." It is better to give than to Receive " Ya, right ! Ha! Like that's going to work Ha! Maybe you should take back the other stuff and buy them one Wii system and a few games...... that way they can kill each other while fighting on who's turn it might be ! ha! I have 2 boys, you got a problem. Really they need to learn how to them the wii and a few games each. That way the owners of each game has a say about playing time. LOL IAD.
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        What if Santa can't afford a Wii?


        My son and his wife had that problem last year. Their youngest's list was "Wii, XBox, a 4 Wheeler and a swimming pool." :H:H

        When they told him that his requests were way too extravagant, he said, "But it's Santa!! He's magic, he can do anything."

        They told him the truth about Santa.

        Sorry I can't give better advice.

        I am with you. Nothing worse than disappointed children on Christmas Day. Just set the expectations. Santa can't do a Wii for the family this year. Think of some reason. Tell them ahead of time so there is no expectation.

        That is the best you can do.


        Oh, and do explain the reason for the season. One year my mama took us to a hospital with sick children to hand out gifts, another year to an orphanage. We realized quickly how lucky we were.
        AF April 9, 2016


          What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

          Thanks for the responses. My boys are 5, 7 and 9. I'm thinking something like, "Santa knows Daddy and I want you to spend your time reading and coloring, and playing imaginary games together...We don't want any more screen time. I'm sure Santa will bring some wonderful toys." ?????
          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


            What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

            Ya Sara....that might work...Good luck ! ha! IAD.
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

              My middle child wants a Nintendo, but she is not going to get one. I feel not guilt about that. My budget for each child is $100.00. We live paycheck to paycheck and to do anything other than that would be irresponsible.
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

                My 11yo daughter wanted a laptop and cell phone - I made it clear from the beginning that there was no way. I had been hoping to get a Wii, but decided that would not be responsible of me to spend so much. Fortunately, my daughter knows who santa really is, though I do remind her of the reality of Christmas magic, spirit, etc. I can explain to her about the expense of things and this is the first year she really understands. And I'm VERY grateful that she is 'getting it' that the experiences we have during the season are what make Christmas truly special (like when we got our tree and decorated it, making cookies, watching holiday movies and listening to cmas music, going to see the downtown tree lighting and having a horse & buggy ride, etc).

                Guess I'm not helping - I know it's harder when they are younger. But as I read recently, as kids and adults recall Christmas they remember the experiences more than the gifts. Can you plan to do something really special and out of the ordinary for Cmas day - like a family snowball fight, walk in the woods where you've hidden some small trinkets and tell em Santa left them little treasures in the woods, etc. This is the kind of stuff that makes memories.
                FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                  What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

                  Here's an idea - how about giving them each a Cmas gift of a little cash for a starter fund for saving up for a Wii? As the next few months go on they can do chores etc to earn more - then maybe when they do get it they will appreciate it more. And the anticipation is loads fun.
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                    What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

                    We know from the state of the economy that many, too many people have become accustomed to living way beyond their means. (Not directing this to anyone in particular), but we know that this is true! We have used credit to the point of absurdity, not for emergencies, but for simply "What We Want Now"! Times have changed and the days of instant gratification are in the past. We all must learn to save again and wait again and be happy with what we have instead of all of the excess! We need to learn to make choices.

                    My thought is this, if the WII is what the kids want. Return all of the other gifts and pool the money and buy them the WII. That would make all of them happy, right?

                    My kids never thought that they would get everything on their Christmas list......they knew that they would get some of what was on their list........funny, but Christmas was always great anyway!

                    My thoughts about Santa is to tell the children that Santa has a budget and that he has a lot of children all over the world that he must get presents for, so he chooses what he thinks is best for each child. I do not think it is ever a good idea for children, or anyone to think that there is a never ending resource for all their "Wants and Wishes".

                    Just my thoughts on this one!

                    xxx Kate
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

                      I am with Kate on this one on this.

                      Credit card debt is just a big trap. Your kids should learn starting now about not spending over your means. If you could afford it without credit cards, I probably would say to get one for them to share.

                      Your explanation of wanting them to do other things sounds good.

                      It must be hard to answer the questions but the others are right, they will have a good XMAS anyway. And I bet a lot of parents are scaling back this year. Why not talk to some of the other parents in your neighborhood?


                        What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

                        I like My Own Woman's idea of the starter fund for savings. In 6 months (or however long it takes) they may change their mind and want something different by then, anyway.

                        I also like Kate's reminders -- Santa's wish list is just that -- a wish list. Just cause you ask, doesn't guarantee the whole load.

                        My son is 2 years old, actually almost 28 months, and this will be the 1st year for him to really "get" Christmas -- Santa, presents, the decorations, etc. I am looking forward to the magic of leaving the cookies out and the carrot for Rudolph. That said... I am going to have to have a few presents under the tree, and this year is even more meager than last. (I also don't get paid for all of Jan. and Feb.) Creating Christmas memories is very important tot me.

                        BTW, we have a Wii here -- you can have it! (sorry, it actually belongs to hubby and 17 yo stepson, so I'd better not give it away. I think it's broken anyway!)


                          What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

                          CSO4 - You and other parents of tots have an advantage in that your kid has no experience yet of 'extravagent' Christmases. I wish my daughter had that! But since her dad and I split up when she was 4, and I don't have much in the way of family, and I LOVE to give gifts, she has always gotten way too much.

                          I like the idea of explaining that there are a lot of kids around the world Santa has to do more for this year and we all can understand that Santa does all he can for all children. Just sharing some of Santa's world is special - my daughter said this morning that she wished she still 'believed'.
                          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                            What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

                            I really think kids like the rituals and specialness of Christmas. They can start saving up for a Wii. Our neighbors down the street have one and I wish they didn't actually, but that is as close to a Wii as my kids will get. I hate that stuff!


                              What if Santa can't afford a Wii?

                              Look my kid have all the systems....Playstation 3, XBox 360, Wii and all the other little crap that's out their. They bought it themselves !! I told them save your money and buy it ! All I have to worry about is maybe a game or some membership, headset, etc. They understand the value of a buck, because they bought it. IAD
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss

