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Captn Jack!
Captn Jack!
GG I didnt !!!!! Macks Im fine mate the girls are in there usuall take the piss outtaa me mood AND I LOVE IT . Oney Lucy wants BArby Bratz Barby Bratz I said what about Ken she said who the HELL is he!!!!. Lizze limes I dont know if the Pm thing is fixed send me one and see if it works !! LOVE YOU LOT cap
Captn Jack!
I've missed you Capt. I am glad that u are ok. I am doing well, except I hurt my back at work, lifting a patient. I am going to the doctor this morning. I am hoping that she does not put me out of work. I cannot afford that."Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)
Captn Jack!
Hope you are ok its one of the worst things every one thinks nurses can lift 120 kilos in a blink NOT dear Sea look after your self and refuse to do that stuff you got a union are they any good ???? mines as usless as tits on a bull!!! I love you sea dont let those pricks wreck you !!!!