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Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

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    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

    Id say it does Oney, well done, but did you actually eat it?


      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

      Sara, maybe you would weigh less...

      ...if you emptied them!

      Sarasmiles;516898 wrote: .... My drawers are full... Sara
      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
      ~ Charles Spurgeon


        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!


        Well, my diet (especially brekkie) has been RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW since about Christmas, and that is, like, over two weeks ago - SHAME on me.

        Coffee is up - (it doesn't help that flat whites are free at work) - cigs about the same...
        Regular meals have become rather historical, unfortunately, but with all the fine weather and holiday atmosphere, No bastard is home to eat, plus my new working hours - GOSH! I could make up excuses for PAGES, but then I wouldn't get back to the Army!

        HOWEVER - thanks for the resurrection and therefore jolt back to consciousness on this subject.

        Time to COP ON KAP-O!!!

        I WILL BE BACK!
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

          I went for a run this morning.
          Followed it with meuslie with banana. Had an apple about an hour later, with pro-vita and cheese.

          Just finished a lunch of pasta with tomato and bacon sauce with a fresh salad.

          I have to see few clients until mid avie. That will be followed by my danger period.
          I am planning to drink my high protein sports drink. It had a good dose of L-Glut.

          Tonight I might have a toasted cheese sarmie.

          I have been drinking weak coffee with lots of milk.


            Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

            Ummmm, not everyones oney!
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

              Ditto Cymru, my diet is so shite at the minute. So far today I have had coffee, tea, more coffee and two marks and sparks teacakes, don't even like teacakes but needed a sugar buzz. I am so crap at eating during the day, usually no breakfast or lunch. But still the weight keeps on. Any luck on making those suasages taste like sausages, 20p thats a bargain, is there any meat in them??
              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                Im making them now. They are 32% pork!!!! Think ill be healthy and have them with fried bread and beans!
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                  LOL Cymru - sounds quite tasty though.
                  I usually make something for my kids after they are both in from school and today I will force myself to sit down and eat something with them, even if its spag on toast. Have to get out of this habit of eating nothing all day
                  There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                    are you a skinny as well Bandy?


                      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                      They were reduced cause they had to be eaten by today. They were to be exact, 19p!!! They were only 45p fresh!! Just started cooking them, and the sausage 'meat' is coming out of the skin. They are going to be ming mong!!
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                        LOL Limers - wishful thinking..weighed myself this morning and I've put on a stone over the last few weeks, I'm now well over ten and a half stone and I'm about 5.3/5.4 so I need to loose a stone at least. I'm crap at eating during the day skipping breakfast and lunch but when I do eat I eat well, plus eating a load of sweets and crisps and crap over Christmas
                        Enjoy the ming mong Cym!
                        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                          your the same height as me Bandy. I was 9st 10 lbs before christmas , afraid to weigh myself now! I want to be 9stone 4 lbs. Id be happy with that.


                            Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                            Well done on the waffles and fried egg One2, I haven't managed much myself yet but will make something for the kids when I get in from round two of the school run at about 2 and force myself to eat some too, I just never really feel like eating, just loads of tea and coffee and a few picky bits here and there.
                            About 9 and a half stone is my goal too Limers, I'd be happy with that. I've actually lost a lot of weight over the last two years or so, my worst was 13 stone after my first baby was born and then I hovered at 12 for ages, after my second was born I managed to get back to about 10 and been hovering about then for ages until my recent pile on!
                            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                              Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                              well Bandy , lets make a dieting pact

                              I resolve to be 9 st 4 lbs by Feb 27th! I will do it through walking and non boozeing,

                              are you on for it?

                              Im going to weigh myself tomoerrow morn in the chemist on the digi scales and will post up my weight...(gron)


                                Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                                You are ON Limers!

                                I resolve to be 9.7 stone by the 27th February and I will do it also through no booze and walking, plus no shite like crisps and sweets or fat coke. I reckon I can lose about 2lbs a week safely which means I can lose at least 12lbs between now and then.

                                I will post my weight tomorrow also!

                                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

