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Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

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    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

    LOL starty - whatever it takes, hon!!
    I have lived many days where breakfast was swigs of vod, in order to get out of bed and then swigs of vod in order to stay out of bed and then swigs of vod in order to get back to bed...... the bigger pic, we doing OK!!!
    Hope you have fantastic day, dear Starts....
    It is 9.40pm Thursday, and my suburb is alive and rocking - there are about 3 separate parties going on, I can hear "The Red Hot Chilis", "Talking Heads" and some Techno all coming from different parts of the neighbourhood, interspersed with hooting and general revelling.
    Good luck to them, I say.....
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

      Breakfast: one cup tea, two cups coffee, 1 cig.... (bad)
      Lunch or whatever: 2 pieces of toast w butter (LOTS of butter) - Pretty bad too
      Since: 6 x christmas style very rich, very sweet chocolately truffles. (bad, but they WERE a gift so.....)

      Coffee, total today: 5
      Cigs total today: 9 ( it is 9pm)

      Not the healthiest of days, but WTF, it IS Friday, and historically, well, that was UTTER write-off day, not just medium write-off day!!! Progress, not perfection !!!!! :H
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

        I have started my day with the strongest coffee known to man, and i have also forgotton to put down my daily intake of prozac and 6 camparal.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

          You taking the vits oney?
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

              WOW oney you shouldnt have had those prawns in the cocktail thing you'll get fat !!!!!
              Love cap


                Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                Today i have eaten -

                Left over pasta and meat balls from dinner last night
                a chipper with a battered sausage
                2 coffees
                3 glasses of water

                Think i'm doing quite well on the coffee front and the headaches are easing off, in fact it's hasn't really bothered me today, just a little when i got up.


                  Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                  1 round of tuna cheese sandwich
                  4 chicken samosas
                  5 pieces of chicken and chips...fried, with beans
                  1 litre of tropical juice
                  1 glass fresh o.j.
                  1 pack of skittles
                  some salted pistacio nuts
                  3 coffees
                  1 tea
                  1 prozac
                  6 campral
                  Oh, some apple and cinamon biscuits.
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                    3.45pm Saturday

                    So far....

                    I cup tea/ 1 cup coffee 1 cig
                    2 cigs
                    1 cup of coffee
                    1 sandwich at work (chicken slald)
                    1 cig
                    1 cup coffee
                    Home now
                    1 cup coffee
                    1 cig
                    large bunch grapes

                    Not so good in the caffeine and nicotine dept today...
                    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                      Bit of a apple crumble disaster yesterday, ....

                      made deep dish apple crumble and ate most of it (well, just over half) myslef : (
                      Sad girl pigging out on late Saturday night!!

                      Not to worry.

                      one very power-walk!
                      Two large glasses of water
                      one coffee
                      one cigarette
                      one small bowl of muesli

                      Heading down to little town called Hokitika for coffee and a beach walk with AA friend.

                      Shall steer very clear of delis/cafe food, but planning on a lethal coffee!
                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                        I have not read all this, but can't you get yourself a nice amount of Bree cheese and crackers and/or French bread and try to eat, eat, eat? Cheese should be very helpful, chicken skin is great...Avacadoes, lots of olive oil? Nice fat!


                          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                          shelbysmiles;496381 wrote: Oney-my quiche is real simple. I sautee an onion and add defrosted frozen spinach to it. In a bowl I mix 5 eggs with 3 cups of cheese (I use mozzerella) and salt and pepper. I add the spinach mixture to the bowl and then pour it all in a (I use the ready made refridgerated) pie crust. Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes.
                          Shelby, I made this for husbo's work the other day and they loved it! Only 4 peeps in his department and nothing left for me...LOL!! Thanks for sharing :h
                          LTG AF January 13, 2011


                            Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                            ANYONE WANT SOME SPICED SHRIMP????
                            I have no cocktail sauce but I think it's just ketchup,lemon,horseradish and hot sauce..
                            Still eating cauliflower from wed. it was as big as a watermeln...I kid you not.
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                              I've had a good day eating wise. (if you can call this good)

                              Had a bacon sandwich made for me in work this morning but only ate the bacon as the chef that made it went to the loo before he made it and touched the bread. (turned my stomach)

                              Then lunch consited of chicken and chips (fried) with beans and two rounds of bread .... oh and a big dollop of salad cream.

                              Dinner - enough chinese to feed a family of 6 .... i mean i truely stuffed my little face!

                              Then a giant quality street sweet .... caramel and hazelnut one!

                              2 cups of coffee

                              3 glasses of fizzy drink

                              1 glass of water

                              Cy told me that i haven't stopped today but at least i ate .... he also moans when i don't eat! LOL


                                Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                                4 chicken spring rolls
                                Fried chicken and chips
                                Chinese(egg fried rice, beef in black been sauce, prawn crackers)
                                1 bottle of cherry coke
                                2 glasses of o.j
                                1 glass of Mars drink
                                1 starbar
                                1 large quality street
                                3 coffees
                                2 glasses of lemonade and squash
                                1 can of relentless
                                6 campral
                                1 prozac
                                To Infinity And Beyond!!

